Food pantry deadline approaches

Published 7:00 pm Sunday, December 11, 2011

As Christmas inches closer, local foodpantries continue to watch the gifts pile up.

    Those gifts come courtesy of Lincoln County residents, who so farhave contributed more than $4,200 for local food pantries throughThe DAILY LEADER and Bank of Brookhaven Holiday Food Drive.

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    It’s the eighth such drive hosted by the two businesses. Previousdrives have netted a total of $51,081 in donations for localcharities, with last year bringing in a single-year record of$10,200.

    Donations may be given until Friday, Dec. 16, at either The DAILYLEADER or the Bank of Brookhaven. All money collected will bedivided evenly among the participating charities: the EpiscopalChurch of the Redeemer, St. Francis Assisi/St. Vincent DePaul, theGreater Hope Foundation, the Martha Sykes Widows and Orphans Centerand Union Hall Baptist Church.

    Church of the Redeemer, the Martha Sykes Center and the GreaterHope Foundation are new beneficiaries as of this year.

    Volunteers with pantries that have participated before have come toexpect good things.

    “We count on this money that we get through The DAILY LEADER andthe bank,” said Gwen Dyess, in her fifth year operating the UnionHall food pantry.

    The donations will come to the pantries at a time of increaseddemand.

    “August was a light month, but increased demand began inSeptember,” said The Rev. Anne Matthews, priest at the Church ofthe Redeemer.

    Many of the other pantries reported similar levels of need.Volunteers at participating charities said the increased financialdemands of the holiday season drive more people to local foodpantries.

    Volunteers also echoed another common theme: The people ofBrookhaven and Lincoln County are generous. They’ve also come toexpect the holiday food drive.

    “People start to call us at the bank wondering when the drive willstart,” said Bank of Brookhaven Vice President Shannon Aker.

    A list of donors and the collection total will be tracked on TheDAILY LEADER front page until the drive ends.

    Donors may choose to be anonymous if they wish. Groups andbusinesses may also contribute if they wish.