Alexander, Taylor
Published 12:50 pm Monday, April 12, 2010
Mark William Taylor and Carolyn Roxanne Alexander, both ofBrookhaven, announce their engagement and approachingmarriage.
She is the daughter of Trey and Roxanne Norton, ofBrookhaven.
He is the son of Harry and Lynn Taylor, of Brookhaven.
She is the granddaughter of Mildred Jones, of Birmingham, Ala., andthe late B.J. Jones, Danny Robinson and Glenda Robinson, ofBrookhaven, and Ed Norton of Brookhaven. She is thegreat-granddaughter of Ernestine Norton, of Brookhaven.
He is the grandson of Velma Taylor, of Brookhaven, and the lateWilliam L. Taylor, and the late Thomas D. Hall and the late MildredHall.
The bride-elect is a 2005 graduate of Brookhaven High School, and a2007 graduate of Copiah-Lincoln Community College. She willgraduate in May 2010 from Mississippi State University with aBachelor of Science degree in Wildlife and Fisheries.
The prospective groom is a 2000 graduate of Brookhaven High School,and a 2002 graduate of Copiah-Lincoln Community College. Hegraduated in 2004 from the University of Southern Mississippi, witha Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology, with a minor inSpanish. He is employed with Region 8 Mental Health inHazlehurst.
A beach wedding will be held at 7 p.m. on Friday, May 28, 2010, atSt. Andrew’s State Park in Panama City, Fla. A reception willfollow at the same location.
All friends and relatives are invited to attend the wedding and thereception.