Town gearing up for annual flea market

Published 5:00 am Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wesson is preparing for another influx of out-of-towners thisweekend as organizers set up for Saturday’s 37th annual Flea MarketOutdoor Arts and Crafts Show and Sale.

Flea Market organizer Kenneth Furr, who has spearheaded theproject since the first years of the event, said applications arestill coming in for booth space. The event will be held Saturdayfrom 8-5 on Wesson’s main thoroughfare.

Furr said the market has grown by leaps and bounds since itstarted, attracting vendors from all over the South.

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“It’s grown 100 percent,” he said. “When we first had it, wejust advertised, and we had a pretty good response. Now people fromTexas, Alabama, Arkansas, Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi havecalled and said they’re coming.”

The proceeds of the event go to help the Wesson Volunteer FireDepartment, and is their primary fundraiser for the year. WessonFire Chief Dustin Brewer said the fair is such a success because ithas something for everyone.

“People are selling anything from T-shirts, hair bows, jewelryand woodworks,” he said, adding that the food is sold only by localnon-profit organizations such as church groups. “Those are the onlypeople we let sell food.”

Furr said that although discussion had come up about putting allthe food vendors in a common area, organizers decided to leave themscattered among other vendors.

“People like to eat while they browse around, and sometimes theydon’t want to buy food where the other food vendors can see them,”he said.

Vendors looking to set up early can begin Friday at 5 p.m., Furrsaid. Overnight security will be provided by the Wesson VolunteerFire Department and local law enforcement, Brewer said.

And that’s not the only way the fire department will be earningtheir keep, he said. An information booth will be available, mannedby fire department personnel to answer questions and just generallyregulate the events of the day.

“We’re there to provide information for people who are lookingfor booth spots and need assistance finding them, we’re there formedical assistance for anybody having medical issues,” Brewer said.”And we also basically upkeep the garbage cans, and port-a-potties,and make sure everything’s running well.”

Organizers expect continued success due to returning visitorswho bring friends.

“People who have been here before, they’re always telling us,’We sure do like coming to this town,'” Furr said.

Some of those people rank the Wesson Flea Market among theirfavorite places to go each year, too, Brewer said.

“We always have so many vendors with so many items, so manypeople come back because they really enjoy being here,” he said.”They put it up there with the Canton Flea Market.”

Furr, who has been mapping out plans for booth locations forweeks now, said there are still spaces available at a $40 fee perspace. For more information, contact Furr at (601) 643-2672 or(601) 643-2246.