Candidates give views on industry, repairing bridges
Published 5:00 am Monday, July 7, 2003
Editor’s Note: Today The DAILY LEADER continuesa special question-and-answer series with candidates in someimportant upcoming county elections. Featured today is theSupervisor District Two race.
We sent — via certified mail with a return receipt — a list ofseveral questions to all candidates in the race. Three — ClarenceEdwards, Tommy McCullough and James Howard Williams Jr. — chosenot to participate in forum.
Community officials are pursuing development of a newindustrial park. As a supervisor, what would you do to help fillthe new park with industries should it become areality?
John Norton: First and foremost we mustcomplete the development of a new industrial park. The need isclear and without adequate space, we are behind from the start.Once the new industrial park is a reality I pledge to work with thechamber of commerce, the Industrial Development Foundation, theBrookhaven Board of Aldermen and the Mississippi DevelopmentAuthority to promote Lincoln County as a great place to dobusiness. I’m not only interested in recruiting new business but Iwant to encourage growth in our existing industries and businesses,especially those small local businesses which have traditionallybeen the backbone of our local economy.
Bobby J. Watts: I would exercise my vote towardthe board of supervisors, the chamber of commerce, the MississippiDevelopment Authority, the senators and the representatives formore industries and higher-paying jobs to be brought to LincolnCounty.
Lincoln County has a serious problem with the number ofbridges that need to be repaired or replaced. How do you plan tocorrect this problem, and how do you plan to pay for it in thesetight federal, state and local budget times?
John Norton: This problem did not occurovernight and will not be solved overnight. Lincoln County needs aPUBLICIZED, priority system of bridge repair and replacement. Ibelieve if we can show an organized plan for repair and replacementwe will fare much better in our efforts to obtain federal and statefunding to supplement our local road and bridge funds. Our prioritysystem should look at various factors such as amount of usage, needfor emergency vehicles and most importantly, their use by schoolbuses. The citizens should be kept informed of the plans for bridgeimprovement and updated as to our progress.
Bobby J. Watts: I will use all LSBP State Aidfunds that are available to District 2 for all bridges over 20 feetand bridges under 20 feet. I would use more metal box culverts, andmake necessary repairs to wooden bridges in District 2 with budgetfunds.
Tuesday: Candidates discuss county votingmachines and the particular needs of District Two.