East Lincoln
Published 12:45 pm Monday, April 12, 2010
If you need some inspiration, check out what churches in theEast Lincoln area are doing! They are doing massive amounts ofcommunity outreach by visiting those in the community,participating in the Lincoln County Relay for Life, and holdingevents designed to draw in those who do not have a home church. Godis really doing amazing things through the area’s churches.
Examples of God’s work are everywhere! Two area churches, PleasantGrove United Methodist and Harmony Baptist, reported great EasterSunday services. Pleasant Grove had its sunrise service with arecord number of people in attendance. The message brought byPleasant Grove’s pastor, Bro. Mike Evans, and the special musicbrought by local groups and singers really fired up those inattendance with the message that Christ is alive!
Harmony’s pastor, Bro. Owen King, also reported a record number inattendance for Harmony’s Easter services. The Easter service was aculmination of a weekend of great things for Harmony. They held ayouth lock-in on April 2 with more than 29 youth present. Theyenjoyed a lot of fun and games and also had some great “God”moments.
Pleasant Grove’s annual Easter egg hunt on March 27 drew in around30 kids. After the egg hunting, the Relay for Life bike-a-thon washeld. Kids and adults alike mounted their bicycles for laps aroundthe church in support of cancer research. The entire day was fullof fun and fellowship for all in attendance.
During the past few weeks, the community has bid farewell to one ofits own. Marty Beeson, a retired Brookhaven Fire Department captainand member of Pleasant Grove, passed away recently after a longbattle with cancer. He was respected by many for his work in thefire department and also for his work for God as a strong Christianand fisher of men.
At Pleasant Grove, Mr. Marty’s list of achievements is endless. Heworked tirelessly with the youth department, was active in numerouschurch committees, and along with his wife, Beth, manned thekitchen during Vacation Bible School activities for many years. Hewill be sorely missed by all who knew him. Please continue toremember his family, co-workers and friends.
On April 1, my grandfather, Jerry Wilson, celebrated his 84thbirthday. Paw, as he is known to me, is one of the most belovedfigures in the East Lincoln community. He is a hard worker, astrong Christian, and is devoted to his family. As I’ve toldseveral people lately, they don’t make people like him anymore.Happy belated birthday, Paw!
Happy birthday wishes also go out to Caleb Dunaway. Happyanniversary wishes go out to Ken and Brenda Michael, Jackie andSheila Taylor, and Laverne and Barbara Lambert.
Please remember that Pleasant Grove’s Web site will be down for thenext several months as it is being redesigned. In order to get newsfrom all over the community, please become a fan of the EastLincoln Facebook page by visitingwww.facebook.com/eastlincolnms.
A thought for this week: “Anger is short-lived in a good man.” -Thomas Fuller
Have a great week!
If you have any East Lincoln area news to report, contact JoshuaWilson at jowilms@gmail.com or 601-757-7204.