Bates honored as state’s extension director of year

Published 6:00 am Friday, December 18, 2009

A three-year run of building, spurring and promoting localagriculture projects has led to top honors for Lincoln CountyExtension Director Rebecca Bates.

Earlier this month, Bates was awarded one of two CountyExtension Director of the Year awards by the MississippiAssociation of County Agricultural Agents, a developmentorganization for extension agents and agriculture specialists. Shewas nominated by a fellow director and received numerous letters ofrecommendation from local agriculturalists and foresters.

“It’s just an honor to be recognized by other people who do thesame thing as you do, to have your fellow county agents and areaagents and directors say, ‘Here, you’re doing a good job,'” Batessaid.

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Bates said the award, which is based on excellent programming,is a reflection on Lincoln County’s many commodity groups. She saidthe forestry association has been outstanding, winning best instate two of the last three years; the local Master Gardenersprogram is one of the strongest in the state; and Dairy Month inJune was a big success this year.

Perhaps the most important program in Lincoln County, however,is the Brookhaven Farmer’s Market. Heading into only its thirdyear, the farmer’s market has experienced strong momentum from thestart and added new programs, like state-issued vouchers, to expandits reach.

Bates said the farmer’s market would need support for a few moreyears before it stands on its own, but a solid foundation has beenlaid with a board of directors that meets monthly and heavyrecruiting of area growers. She said she believed Brookhaven hadneeded a farmer’s market for many years, and when the timing wasright, she moved.

“The U.S. is moving toward a farmer’s markets in communities,”Bates said. “It’s just a trend – I don’t know if it’s because ofthe economy or the green movement, but there’s a lot of emphasis onbuying local.”

Incoming MACAA President Glenn Hughes, who served as chairman ofthe awards committee when Bates was awarded, said the 15 judges whoreviewed Bates work were moved by the overall impact of LincolnCounty programming and the fast-rising farmer’s market. Judges wereimpressed, he said, by the fact the young Brookhaven Farmer’sMarket is already designated a Mississippi Certified Farmer’sMarket.

“You don’t just apply for that and get it,” Hughes said.”(Bates) has really got an open mind and she’s involved in hercounty. She’s willing to go the extra mile.”

Bates was nominated by Hinds County Area Agent Bill Maily. Thesecond County Extension Director of the Year was Rankin County’sHouston Therrell.