City sales tax returns better last year’s mark

Published 6:00 am Friday, March 19, 2004

Brookhaven’s share of sales tax collections slipped below the$300,000 mark in February 2004, but the city’s total was stillhigher than that of the same period in 2003.

According to statistics from the Mississippi Tax Commission,$298,794.66 was returned to Brookhaven for February. Februaryreturns represent sales made in January.

“It’s typically a month that is down and not an enormouscollection month for municipalities everywhere,” said ChandlerRuss, Brookhaven-Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce executivevice-president.

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Brookhaven’s monthly total, though, was up about $12,000 fromthe February 2003 total of $286,711.91. Russ said that representedan approximately 4.5 percent increase.

Among top collectors in the state, Brookhaven fell to 22nd. Russcited several communities that posted good monthly totals or haveseen growth over the last year.

“Part of that is seasonal with Oxford and Starkville withbasketball,” Russ said. “I think you’re going to continue to seeOlive Branch up there. They’re experiencing phenomenal growth withthe outward expansion from Memphis.”

For the fiscal year to date, which started July 1, Brookhavenwas up about 5 percent. The 2004 total was $2,722,852.39 comparedto a 2003 total of $2,565,053.67.

“We’re still doing well over the entire year,” Russ said.

Russ said the city’s overall sales tax numbers remain solid. Hementioned an upcoming chamber membership survey that will be aneffort to see they stay that way.

“We’ll see what we can do to assist them from an areastandpoint,” Russ said. “We want to really make an effort with oursmall retailers to keep their sales strong.”

In other parts of southwest Mississippi, McComb collected$347,969.29 as its share of February sales tax.

McComb’s February 2004 total, which placed the city 16th instatewide rankings, represented a increase of about $31,000 overthe February 2003 total of $316,972.33. For the fiscal year, McCombhad $3,081,792.65 in 2004 and $2,921,805.37 at the same point in2003.

Also in Pike County, Summit businesses gathered $18,449.44 inFebruary sales tax, a healthy increase over last February’s$14,406.67. So far in the fiscal year, the city had $152,415.29this year compared to $132,418.42 last year.

In Lawrence County, Monticello merchants took in $33,167.44 forthe city’s share of February 2004 sales tax, which was up some fromFebruary 2003’s $30,581.98. The city remained ahead in fiscal yearto date collections with $269,401.35 in 2004 and $256,383.04 in2003.

Wesson businesses’ February sales tax collections were up to$11,259.96, compared to $8,776.93 last February. In fiscal year todate collections, the town had $86,155.03 for 2004 and $73,767.98in 2003.

To the west in Franklin County, Bude businesses rang up$8,140.81 for the town, which was up from February 2003’s$7,424.47. The town stayed ahead of its fiscal year to date pace,with $64,284.48 in 2004 and $60,982.65 last year.

Meadville merchants took in $7,920.89 in February 2004, whichwas a little above February 2003 with $7,647.28. In total fiscalyear collections, the town had $67,332.44 this year and $65,720.50at the same point last year.