Annie Mae Newton Gaston

Published 5:00 am Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Services for Annie Mae Newton Gaston, of Brookhaven, are 11 a.m.Friday, June 5, at Damascus M.B. Church with burial in HillcrestCemetery.

Visitation is Thursday from 1 until 7:30 p.m. at WilliamsMortuary with family present from 6:30 until 7:30 p.m.

Mrs. Gaston, 97, died May 31, 2009, at her daughter’s home inEllicott City, Md. She was born in Lincoln County on May 24, 1912,to Mary Howard Canes.

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She married Minyon Gaston on May 23, 1947. To this union twodaughters were born, Bertheria Delores and Felicia Menette Gaston.She was united with Damascus M.B. Church at an early age andcontinued to serve the Lord faithfully throughout her life. She wasan active member at Damascus most of her life. She was a member ofMt. Sinai M.B. Church during the 14 years she lived in Roosevelt,N.Y. Mrs. Gaston worked faithfully as a Sunday school teacher inboth churches. She has been a dedicated member of the missionaryboard, serving as president during her time at Damascus. Sheexemplified her love for God by her service to the church and tothe community. She always had an open heart and a willing hand andspirit to offer service and aid when needed.

Mrs. Gaston received her early education in the Lincoln Countyand Brookhaven Public School System. She graduated from high schoolat Natchez College in Natchez. She received her bachelor’s degreein education from Alcorn State University in 1937. She wasadditionally honored with a Golden Certificate in 1987. Shereceived her master’s degree in elementary education from TuskegeeUniversity in 1962. Further study was completed at NorthwesternUniversity in Evanston, Ill.; Atlanta University in Atlanta, Ga.;and Nassau Community College in Uniondale, N.Y.

Much of her life was spent serving youth as an educator. Mrs.Gaston taught in Brookhaven Separate School District for 27 yearsas a fourth grade teacher and in the New York City Public SchoolSystem in Jamaica, N.Y., for 10 years. In 1974, she retired fromthe New York City Public School System. Mrs. Gaston was active inreligious and civic activities. She served the Damascus M.B. Churchin different capacities. She was a Girl Scout leader in Brookhavenfor a number of years. She was a founding member of the Gamma BetaZeta Chapter of the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority. She was a member of theRetired Teachers Associations of Mississippi and New York, AlcornAlumni Association and several other organizations.

Preceding her in death was her husband of 50 years, MinyonGaston.

Survivors are her daughters, Bertheria Delores and FeliciaMenette, of Ellicot City; and a host of nieces, nephews, cousinsand friends.