Help us find community’s Unsung Heroes
Published 6:00 am Friday, February 13, 2004
Today’s subject isn’t new. I’ve written about our community’sUnsung Heroes in the past and will probably do so again in thefuture.
This year, though, I’m a little worried.
This year, though, I’m a little worried.
We’ve been seeking nominations for Unsung Heroes, who arefeatured every year in our Focus edition, for several weeks now. Sofar, four nominations have been sent to us. Two of those will bedisqualified because the nominees, although they are fineindividuals, get paid for being public servants.
I know there are Unsung Heroes out there.
If you remember, last April a devastating tornado hit the LoydStar community. Neighbors helped neighbors; strangers helpedstrangers; Lincoln Countians helped Lincoln Countians.
So far, not one individual has been nominated for thateffort.
Countless volunteers work in our community to make it a betterplace to live. They volunteer at schools, work in civic and serviceclubs, volunteer at the hospital or just generally do gooddeeds.
So far, not one individual has been nominated for thateffort.
There are some wonderful people working quietly behind thescenes here, doing good deeds for their neighbors and good thingsfor their neighborhoods.
So far, not one individual has been nominated for thateffort.
The past list of Unsung Heroes is varied. Some are young; someare retirees. Some are black; some are white. Some educators,ministers and community volunteers have all been honored.
Here’s what we’re looking for in our Unsung Heroes:
* Individuals who are willing to make unselfish contributions toothers and to the community without regard for publicity orpersonal gain.
* Individuals who are willing to look past the racial, or theage, or the social, or the political or the religious boundariesothers will sometimes put up in the community.
* Individuals who also put the needs of others ahead of theirown.
A common thread among Unsung Heroes is that they all loveSouthwest Mississippi and want to make it a better place — for allof us.
Time is also running out for nominations for this year’s UnsungHeroes. The deadline in March 26.
I invite you to nominate someone by using the form that isperiodically printed in the newspaper, or you can jot down theinformation on a piece of paper and send it to me.
The Unsung Heroes are out there … please help us findthem.
Write to Nanette Laster at P.O. Box 551, Brookhaven, Miss.39602, or send e-mail to