Supervisors lift burn ban
Published 6:00 am Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Supervisors have lifted a Lincoln County burn ban.
The county received more than an inch of rainfall Tuesdaymorning to prompt consideration of removing the ban.
Supervisors approved lifting the ban after consulting with theMississippi Forestry Commission and Lincoln County Fire CoordinatorClifford Galey.
Citing a consultations with MFC Regional Forester Randy Chapin,Galey said they feel comfortable in recommending the ban be lifted.However, the possibility still exists a ban may again be necessarynext week should the county not receive the rainfall expectedThursday and Friday.
The ban had been in effect since November.
Despite the ban, firefighters since November have responded toat least three wildfires a day, damaging several thousand acres offorest and pasture land, Galey said.
“Most of our fires have been by individuals trying to burn alittle debris, and it’s got out of hand,” he said.
In a separate but related matter, Galey also informedsupervisors they have always had the discretion of allowing someexceptions to a burn ban.
The exception would allow for licensed foresters and otherprofessionals to conduct their jobs with a burning permit issued bythe MFC. The permits would enable those professionals to clearunderbrush, prepare areas for seasonal tree-planting and othernecessary functions of environmental control.
A general burn ban also prohibits these activities.