Red Cross opening new office

Published 5:00 am Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The American Red Cross has finally found a place in Brookhavento call home after securing a rented office space beneath the Inezon Monticello Street, thus ending a six-month search and helping torebuild the organization’s presence in the city.

Robin Ebert Mays, community programs director for Hattiesburg’sSouth Central Mississippi Chapter, said the approximately 800square-foot office at 110 East Monticello St. has all theorganization needs to operate effectively, including office andstorage space, a private area to meet with clients and an Internetconnection to process their claims. She said the space is beingrented at a reduced price from downtown developer John Lynch.

“It’s an excellent location,” Mays said of the office. “We’redowntown, we’re visible and we’re close to the chamber, thecourthouse and the radio station. And, (clients) won’t have todrive all over town looking for our office.”

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A ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new office is scheduled forTuesday, May 5, at 10 a.m. After the ceremony, the office willofficially be in operation.

Service Center Coordinator Kimberly Brown, of Silver Creek, willman the office five days per week, helping victims of fires, floodsand other disasters get back on their feet. Brown will teach atleast three Red Cross classes -CPR, First Aid and AED (using anautomated external defibrillator – and plans to undergo trainingthat will allow her to teach more classes.

“I felt like becoming a part of the Red Cross would open doorsfor me,” Brown said of her new position. “It will allow me to usemy health care administration degree and give back to mycommunity.”

Mays said her search for office space in Brookhaven had growndesperate until she recently noticed the “for rent” sign in the RedCross’s new office. An office space was secured in January inMcComb – the only other major city in the newly formed Mid-SouthService Area that serves Franklin, Lawrence, Lincoln and Pikecounties – but the Brookhaven search was difficult, she said.

The search for a new office began in October 2008, almostimmediately after the Mid-South Mississippi Chapter disbanded andreformed as the Mid-South Service Area – under Hattiesburg’sdirection – to clear approximately $25,000 in debt to the nationalorganization.

Though long gone from Brookhaven and McComb, the Mid-SouthMississippi Chapter’s charter was officially voided last week, Mayssaid, opening the door for a reformation. But like all non-profits,the Red Cross has also experienced a decline in donations andsteady revenue must be secured from the local communities before achapter can be chartered, she said.

“The financial situation is not good – we are affected by theeconomy as much as any other organization,” Mays said. “We’re goingto have to have community support. We are recruiting volunteers andasking for donations. We are in the works for a news letter toannounce our return to the area and former and current volunteersand businesses.”

Mays said the Red Cross would spend the coming months buildingits capacity and strengthening its relationships with localsupporters and partners.

In the meantime, Red Cross outreach programs and disasterassistance continue. A class on client case work will be heldThursday at 1 p.m. at the State Room, and a pot luck dinnercelebrating Red Cross volunteers is scheduled for Thursday, May 14,at 5:30 p.m. at the Lincoln County Multi-Purpose Facility.

Anyone interested in attending the classes or volunteering withthe Red Cross may contact her at 601-582-8151, or Brown at601-833-2771.