Quality candidates seeking spot on city school board

Published 9:00 pm Sunday, February 19, 2012

In Erin Williamson Smith and Lea Barrett, Brookhaven School District voters have two strong candidates up for consideration as the next member of the district’s board of trustees.

     While they each have different backgrounds, both Smith and Barrett have expressed their desires to utilize their talents to build upon the strong foundation of education in the Brookhaven School District. Smith, who works at Copiah-Lincoln Community College, brings to the table the viewpoint of a highly involved parent of a student in the school system while the former superintendent Barrett understands the ins and outs of school district administration, having worked in and operated the Brookhaven school system for many years.

     Either would make a fine addition to the school district’s governing board.

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     Nevertheless, it is important that voters know as much as they can about the two candidates in advance of Saturday’s election. To help voters with that information-gathering process, today’s front page of The DAILY LEADER features stories on the office-seekers.    

     Either Smith or Barrett will assume the seat currently held by Carl Aycock, who did not seek re-election. The term will be for five years.

     The school board election will be held Saturday from 1 p.m. until 6 p.m. in the Brookhaven High School gymnasium.

     Also important to remember is that only voters who live outside of the Brookhaven city limits, but within the school district’s boundaries, may vote in Saturday’s election.

     Election day is fast approaching. Fortunately for students, the school district and the community at large, voters have two good options on Saturday’s ballot.