Talented golfer at Wesson school
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, August 1, 2001
WESSON – At age 15, Leland Hinton of Wesson Attendance Centerhas the talent to be an exceptional golf player.
Hinton won two trophies in the Refuge Junior Open at the RefugeGolf Course in Flowood on Tuesday. He won first place in the age14-15 division with a 75-75 score for 150.
Hinton then competed against an 18-year-old who also scored a150 in his age division. Hinton won the overall first place trophyafter hitting a birdie to win the first hole of the playoff.
Hinton practices at the Co-Lin Wolf Hollow Golf Club under thetutelage of golf pro Chuck Holloway.
“Mr. Chuck has helped me a lot,” said Hinton.
Hinton has been playing golf for three years and will be asophomore at Wesson this fall. His high school golf coach is RobChannell.
“I apreciate all the support Coach Channell has given me,” saidHinton. “He has helped me out a lot. If if wasn’t for him, Iwouldn’t have won it. He is a real nice guy. If it wasn’t for CoachChannell, we wouldn’t have a golf team.”
Holloway sees a lot of potential in Hinton.
“He is that good a golfer,” said Holloway who has beeninstructing Hinton for a year. “He has a good work ethic. Hepractices hitting the ball, Putting. He lives on the No. 6.
“Leland is very consistent. He has a real good head on hisshoulders for the game.”
During his freshman year at Wesson, Hinton was the low medalistin the Division 3-2A. He was selected to the All-Division team aswell as the All-State 2A team.
“His best golf is still ahead of him,” added Holloway. “He hasthe ability and the work ethic. If he keeps improving, he’ll havemany offers from the state colleges.”
Hinton will be competing at the boys state amateur golftournament in Starkville on the Mississippi State Universitycampus. The tourney begins Monday, July 30, and continues throughTuesday, August 2.