Braceys named grand marshals for AHS parade
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Isiah and Maggie (Gipson) Bracy have been named grand marshalsfor Saturday Alexander High School Reunion Parade. The paradebegins Satuday at 10 a.m. at the post ofice on West Cherokee Streetand will go to the school.
Both Isiah and Maggie Bracy are graduates of Alexander HighSchool. Isiah graduated in 1960 and Maggie graduated in 1959.
Isiah played football on the Big 8 team under the coaching ofboth C.O. Tanner and C.N. Buchanan. After graduating from AlexanderHigh School, he attended Utica Junior College. He then served twoyears in the United States Army as a communication specialist. Hemoved to Chicago, Ill., where he attended the American NationalTraining School and earned an AA degree in Lithography and printingoperations. He was then employed at the American National CanCompany, where he was a Lithographer until his retirement in1994.
Maggie was the drum majorette at Alexander High School duringher high school days, and went on to become drum major at JacksonState University, where she earned a Bachelor of Science degree inelementary education. She then taught elementary school inMississippi Public Schools for a couple of years. She then moved toChicago where she married her high school sweetheart. Maggie alsoattended Roosevelt University where she earned her master’s degreeand did further study. She worked in the Chicago Public Schoolsystem for a number of years and retired in 2003. Maggie is now aconsultant to first-year principals with the Chicago Public Schoolsystem.
Isiah is the founder and president of the Brookhaven MississippiAssociation, Inc. (BMAI) of Chicago. This organization givesscholarships to students who graduate from Brookhaven High Schooland the surrounding area. They have given over $58,000 inscholarships in amounts of $1,000, $1,500 and $500.
Maggie is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.,president of Alpha Lambda Chapter of Eta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. (abusiness and professional women’s sorority), a member of DeltaKappa Gamma, a national organization and the National Council ofNegro Women. Isiah is a member of the Rainbow Coalition (OperationPUSH), and The Men of Destiny, and enjoys all sporting events.
They are members of Vernon Park Church of God in Chicago, andthe parents of one son, Issac, and wife Yolanda.