Loyd Star Hornets like remodeled nest

Published 5:00 am Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Coaches, players and fans turned out Thursday night to see theremodeled Loyd Star football field house. The players liked theimprovements as did family members and fans. Several were takingpictures of the players in the upgraded facility.

New head football coach Ryan Ross and his staff were on hand totalk about the improvements made during the summer on the fieldhouse.

“First of all, we repainted the whole building inside, walls,floor, etc.,” explained Ross. “We added new doors and locks. Andadded a players’ restroom in the locker room. We refurbished thecoach’s restroom and added a training room area.”

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Other changes included two new equipment rooms and a coachesarea, including coaches offices, etc. The Hornets now have 2 newfilm areas. New appliances such as new heaters, a washer and dryerand a washroom has been added.

According to former Loyd Star football coach and athleticdirector Roe Burns, the original field house was approximately 80years old, one of the first red brick school buildings on thecampus. It once served as a class room for Kindergarten students. Alarge, concrete pickle vat now serves as a storage area for icechests and water containers.

Ross credited Lincoln County Superintendent of Education TerryBrister, Loyd Star principal Wayne Rogers and Booster ClubPresident David Fields for spearheading the move for theimprovements.

“Things had to be done,” explained Ross. “It was in pretty badshape. We made it a lot nicer for the kids to take pride in.”

Ross appreciated all the hard work and contributions done by thecoaches, players, families and fans.

” J.B. McCarroll has done a lot of carpentry work,” said Ross.”Donna Horton has been there weekly helping. Matt and Cindy Hebertand Danny Sisco have helped. And Gary Walker and various playersand coaches have been working on this.”

When Ross was officially hired as the new coach, plans were madeto begin immediately on the field house.

” I wanted to improve the facilities,” stressed Ross. “I want toget more kids playing. I went through spring training with them inMay. After that, we went to work at night on the rooms. We got alot of stuff done.”

Ross’s first priority was to get the locker room renovated.

“Our first priority was the locker room,” stated Ross. ” Iwanted the kids to be proud. The second thing was organization andadding the equipment room. And the third thing was proper workspace for the coaches.

Right now we have a very nice work space for them.”

Ross said he appreciated the hard work and time put in by theTouchdown Club and parents who volunteered their time. And theadministration who stood behind us to give us a helping hand.

The players were real pleased with the improved facility.

“It makes me feel great,” said senior Allen Wheaton.

Sophomore Tradareous Wilson is also excited about thechanges.

“Everybody did a good job,” said Wilson. “We appreciate it. Itmotivates the players.”

Loyd Star begins preseason practice Monday.

“We are pleased and thankful,” said Ross. “We are enthusiasticabout getting it done. As a coaching staff, we are extremelypleased.

“Now its ready for football,” smiled Ross.