House fire claims life of city man

Published 6:00 am Wednesday, March 6, 2002

A Brookhaven man died in a Monday night house fire at his EastIndependence Street residence, said Lincoln County Coroner-MedicalExaminer Morris Henderson.

Hollis Dillon, 70, of 321 East Independence St., died in thefire that was reported at 9:15 p.m. Monday, Henderson said. Anautopsy was to be performed today in Pearl..

“The house was fully involved on the right side when we arrivedat the scene,” said Assistant Brookhaven Fire Chief Moses Bell.

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Bell said there was about 30 percent damage to the home. Themost extensive damage, though, was in the bedroom area whereDillon’s body was found after firefighters extinguished theblaze.

“Everything in that room was totally burned,” Bell said.

Dillon lived alone in the home, said Brookhaven Police ChiefArlustra “Pap” Henderson. Police officers at the scene attempted toget Dillon out, but were unsuccessful.

“The officers tried to go in, but the flames were too high toget in the house,” the chief said.

Dillon was pronounced dead at the scene at 10:30 p.m., MorrisHenderson said.

Bell said the cause of the fire has not been determined.

An Entex official checked the scene this morning and determinedthe gas was not on, Bell said. Also, the state marshal’s office hasbeen called to assist with the investigation.

Firefighters were at the scene until 11:30 p.m. Monday, Bellsaid.

The assistant chief pointed out that the home did not have asmoke detector. He indicated one could have made a differenceMonday and urged residents to take the precaution of installing asmoke detector in their homes.

“It’s still cold weather. Use your smoke detectors,” Bellsaid.

Century Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements for Dillon.Arrangements are incomplete.