City, county offices now collecting property taxes

Published 6:00 am Tuesday, December 7, 2004

Along with Christmas cards and letters, Brookhaven and LincolnCounty property owners have been getting some perhaps unwanted mailin the form of property tax notices.

Lincoln County tax notices were sent out in November and theoffice has been collecting property taxes since Nov. 15, officialssaid. Notices on real property, including land and homes, were sentout on 18,079 parcels while 1,329 notices were sent out forpersonal property, such as business equipment.

Tax notices for Brookhaven were sent out Dec. 1, said City TaxCollector Pat Duckworth. She said approximately 10,000 realproperty notices and 1,500 personal property notices weredistributed.

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Regarding payments, Duckworth said they were coming in “prettygood,” but that it was still early.

“We still don’t have a lot of activity in the office, but themail was pretty heavy today,” Duckworth said.

East Minnesota Street resident James Diggs was taking the annualactivity in stride as he paid his taxes Monday in Duckworth’soffice.

“I don’t anything to say about it, but I’ve got to pay them,”Diggs said.

Those who haven’t paid their taxes have until Feb. 1 to do sowithout penalty.

After that date, there is a 1 percent per month penalty untilAugust. Deliquent property is then sold at the land sale the lastMonday of that month.

Tax offices offer a partial payment plan.

Under that plan, property owners may pay half their bill by Feb.1. Half of the remaining balance plus interest can be paid by May 1and the remainder plus interest by July 1.

For Duckworth, this tax season will be her last. She is retiringat the end of June after four terms in office.

“I’m very excited. I’m looking forward to it,” Duckworth said.”That time is here.”

The city tax office and the city clerk’s office areconsolidating at the start of the next term.

“The city clerk’s office will finish out the ’04 tax year fromJuly through the land sale,” Duckworth said.

This time next year, the county tax office will be handling taxnotices for both the county and the city. Officials are working ona interlocal agreement for the county to handle those duties.

“It should be more convenient for the people,” said Duckworth,alluding to paying tax bills in one place instead of making stopsat two separate offices.

Regarding Duckworth’s position, aldermen have approved anordinance that in effect abolishes the elected office. Theordinance was approved in order to prevent potential candidatesfrom qualifying for the office in January.

“There’s not a position for them to run for,” said City ClerkMike Jinks.