Variety of cases cleared during May court term
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, May 29, 2001
Burglaries, DUIs and some other charges were on the list ofoffenses as defendants were sentenced earlier this month in LincolnCounty Circuit Court, records show.
Assistant District Attorney Jerry Rushing said court officialsare working to move cases along as quickly as possible afterdefendants are indicted. Most defendants were indicted in March,pleaded guilty in April and sentenced in May.
“We’re glad to get them behind us,” Rushing said about thecases. “Getting them off the docket is the main thing.”
Defendants sentenced during Judge Keith Starrett’s May terminclude:
* Tangi Diggs, 32, of Carver Heights B-6 Apt. 1 — Three countsof fraudulent use of an ID — Sentenced to five years, suspendedfor five years probation, a $1,000 fine and full restitution.
* Dustin K. Smith, 25, of 912 Hunter’s Road, Bogue Chitto –Third offense DUI. Sentenced to three years, with last twosuspended for post release supervision, a $2,000 fine and to beevaluated for the Intensive Supervision Program.
* Richard Dustin Boone, 20, of 1889 Cold Spring Road, BogueChitto — Sexual battery. Sentenced to five years, with the lastyear to be served on post release supervision, a $1,000 fine and$1,000 to the Crime Victims Compensation Fund.
* Kenneth Douglas, 25, of Prentiss — Uttering forgedprescription. Sentenced to three years, suspended for five yearsprobation, a $1,000 fine and complete an alcohol and drug treatmentprogram.
* Dominac Bridges, 20, of 401 Penn St. — Burglary of abusiness. Sentenced to five years and placed in the RegimentedInmate Discipline (RID) program to earn probation, a $1,500 fineand $200 restitution.
* Percy J. Henderson, 27, of 3137 James Dr., Wesson — Thirdoffense DUI. Sentenced to three years with the last two suspendedfor five years probation, a $2,000 fine, 40 hours community servicework and to be evaluated for the Intensive Supervision Program.
* Bill T. Dickerson, 32, of 205 Goodwill Loop — Third offenseDUI. Sentenced to three years with the last two suspended for fiveyears probation, a $2,000 fine, complete alcohol and drug treatmentprogram and to be evaluated for the Intensive SupervisionProgram.
* James McClendon, 35, of 1936 Nola Road — Third offense DUI.Sentenced to five years, placed in the therapeutic treatmentprogram, and a $3,000 fine.
* James B. Bryant, 18, of 206 Poplar St. — Two counts ofburglary and conspiracy. Sentenced to eight years and orderedplaced in the RID program and a term at the restitution center, a$1,500 fine, full restitution and to write a letter of apology tothe victims.
* Tiffany J. Davis, 26, of Monticello — Four counts of utteringforgery. Sentenced to five years suspended for five yearsprobation, a $500 fine, $847 restitution and a term at therestitution center, with sentence imposition delayed until July1.
* Larry D. White, 18, of 812 Dissa St. — Unlawful possession ofmarijuana. Sentenced to three years suspended for five yearsprobation, a $2,000 fine, complete an alcohol and drug treatmentprogram, an after-care program and attend at least two Alcoholicsor Narcotics Anonymous meetings a week for a year.
* Raymond Earl Byrd, 42, of 1879 Nola Road — Third offense DUI.Sentenced to three years with the last two suspended for five yearsprobation, a $2,000 fine, placed in drug court and recommended forthe Intensive Supervision Program.
* Howard Nettles, 49, of 446 Highway 84 west — grand larcenyand unlawful possession of methamphetamine. Sentenced to threeyears and placed in the therapeutic community treatmentprogram.
* Jimmy Winston, 53, of 407 East Minnesota St. — Sexualbattery. Sentenced to five years with the last two to be served onpost release supervision, $300 restitution and $1,000 to the CrimeVictims Compensation Fund.
* Kevinisha Henderson Brown, 20, of 300 Old Wesson Road — Twoindictments, one for two counts of burglary and another forpossession of stolen property. Sentenced to a total of 10 yearswith the last five to be served on post release supervision, fullrestitution and a $1,000 fine.
* Bobby Jackson Jr., 30, of 2303 Hurricane Lake Road — Failureto support minor children. Sentenced to three years suspended forfive years probation, a term at the restitution center and a $500fine.
* Bruce Durr, 30, of 439 Greenwood Lane, Bogue Chitto — Thirdoffense DUI. Sentenced to five years and ordered to serve the first18 months, with the remainder on post release supervision, a $2,000fine, to complete alcohol and drug treatment while at Parchman andto complete an after-care program.