Brookhaven baseball team honored at banquet
Published 5:00 am Monday, May 23, 2005
Brookhaven senior Darius Perkins received the Most ValuablePlayer award at the annual Panther baseball banquet Sunday night,at the Western Sizzlin.
Players, coaches and media members were treated to abuffet-style dinner, as parents and supporters gathered to honorthe accomplishments of the 2005 Diamond Panthers.
The evening got under way with Will Watson delivering theinvocation.
Head Coach Randy Spring began by thanking several groups ofpeople who were instrumental in several tasks for this pastseason.
Spring recognized and thanked the administration of theBrookhaven School District for their support: Superintendent LeaBarrett, Brookhaven High principal Susan Chapman and assistantprincipals Don Coleman and Dr. Marilyn Dow-Harris.
The Brookhaven Diamond Club was praised for their efforts inseveral fund-raising projects, including the indoor batting cage onthe first-base line at Moyer Field. Club officials are presidentBrooks Warren, vice president Ronnie Watson and treasurer MaryHelen Miller.
Several area businesses and individuals donated time and/ormoney to the construction of the 52-by-80 foot facility. They wereStan King Chevy-Olds, Wal-Mart, Mississippi Materials and ColumbusLumber Company. Brooks Warren, Stan King, David Dunn Joe Ratcliffand John Dunn assisted with their time and efforts.
“A lot of things would not have been possible, if it was not forthese businesses or individuals,” said Spring. “There were manymore who helped and we thanked them, too.”
Media members mentioned were Will Watson and Tom Goetz from theDAILY LEADER. There were 2 radio stations in the area that coveredOle Brook through the airwaves. WBKN B92, with Watson handling theplay-by-play duties, and WDXO 92.9 in Hazlehurst with newcomersJeff Grierson and Keith Moore behind the mic were thanked forcoverage of BHS baseball.
Junior varsity and varsity players were given a standing ovationfollowing their instruction. They were JV players Jonathan Barlow,Cody Henderson, Sean McGowan Reilly Miller and Taylor Wallace.Freshmen mentioned were Robby Coone, Jacob Dunn, Paxton King, CodyRatcliff. Sophomores were Josh Coone, R.J. Jenkins, Cole Newell,Taylor Newman, Mitch Pappas, Elliot Warren and Zach Watson. Juniorswere Garion Crockett, Marlon Dixon, Brandt Hinton and T.J.Qualls.
Senior elders were Grant McDonnieal, Guy Orr and DariusPerkins.
The manager and statisticians were manager/statistician KeoshaHooker, statisticians Elanor Valentine, Sabrina Armstrong and AnneHouston Cupit.
“These players were a part of the best era in BHS baseball,”said Spring.
Spring thanks his assistants and their wives for their tirelessefforts and support during the season. Amy Spring, Dewayne andSarah Oberschmidt, Eric and Donna Stokes and Jaymie and LauriePalmer.
“This is the second year in a row to have the same stafftogether,” added Spring. “We will miss Coach Palmer.” Palmerresigned to become the offensive coordinator at Lafayette Countyfor the 2005 football season.
Ole Brook posted an 18-14 worksheet; batting .314 as a team with15 homeruns and 157 RBIs. The Panthers began the season 2-6, butcaught fire in mid-season; finishing 16-8. Including in thatstretch was an 11-2 mark that spured Brookhaven to their playoffberth.
“Our pitching carried us through this season,” echoed Spring whowill begin his seventh season at BHS. “Defensively, we were betterthan last year’s state championship team. These guys workedhard.”
Spring, along with his sons Brett and Brady, presented thefollowing awards to his players.
Division 6-4A first-team members were Perkins in the outfield,Crockett as the designated hitter and Hinton as a pitcher.Honorable mention picks were McDonnieal at first, Warren at secondand King on the mound.
Perkins was selected as a second-team designated hitter by theMississippi Association of Coaches.
Team awards went to Crockett as the best offensive player, whobatted. .396, with 7 homers and 39 RBIs. Warren was honored as bestdefensive player, having a .949 fielding percentage with only 4errors at secondbase. Hinton was selected as the best pitcher,posting a 7-3 record with 63 strikeouts in 60 innings tossed.
Newell won the most improved player honor, while Dixon capturedthe Mr. Hustle trophy.
Perkins was recognized by his teammates as the most valuableplayer. He batted .453 with 6 homers and 29 RBIs, going 8-for-8 instolen bases and posted 3 wins and 2 saves on the mound. Perkinssigned a football scholarship with Northwestern State (La.), withhopes of possibly playing baseball, too.
Perkins received the Panther award and was named Team Captain,along with McDonnieal.
Seniors McDonnieal, Perkins, and Orr received a white BROOKHAVENjersey with their number attached.
“We had a good year coming off of the state championship lastyear,” said SPring following the presentation of awards. “We wereyoung, but the guys worked hard. I am proud of them all.”
Spring concluded the evening with the benediction.
2005 Brookhaven Panther Baseball Awards
All Division 6-4A 1st Team: BrandtHinton-Pitcher, Garion Crockett-Designated Hitter, DariusPerkins-Outfielder. Honorable Mention: GrantMcDonnieal-First Base, Elliot Warren-Second Base, PaxtonKing-Pitcher.
M.A.C. All-State: Darius Perkins-DesignatedHitter, Second Team.
Team Awards
Best Offensive: Garion Crockett
Best Defensive: Elliot Warren
Best Pitcher: Brandt Hinton
Most Improved: Cole Newell
Mr. Hustle: Marlon Dixon
Most Valuable Player: Darius Perkins
Panther Award: Darius Perkins
Team Captain: Darius Perkins, GrantMcDonnieal