Furlow grand marshal for Christmas parade
Published 6:00 am Thursday, November 18, 2004
It turns out Jimmy Furlow has been helping prepare for a paradein his honor.
Furlow, the city’s traffic supervisor and a dedicated chamber ofcommerce volunteer, has been named grand marshal for Brookhaven’sChristmas Parade.
“I think it’s an honor,” Furlow said.
Furlow recently hanged new holiday banners along the paraderoute through downtown. It is the latest on a long list ofactivities that include helping with the Ole Brook Festival, theTour of Homes and other chamber activities.
“He’s worked for the city for many years, and he’s also helpedwith the chamber for many years,” said Rita Rich, paradechairwoman.
Furlow has been with the city more than 30 years. He began as afirefighter and then worked in the water department before becomingtraffic supervisor in 1997.
Rich said Furlow exhibits a “quiet leadership” and reluctantlyaccepted the grand marshal honor.
“Anything you ask him to do, whether it’s a small task or alarge one, he gets it done,” Rich said. “And I appreciatethat.”
In other parade developments, Rich said the entry fee for eachhorse this year will be $10. The entry fee for floats, vehicles andother entries is $20.
Also, in an effort to encourage more float entries, Rich saidthe chamber is taking the lead in getting a float for chamberofficials, the mayor and aldermen and supervisors to use during theparade. Bert Corolla is developing the float for the chamber.
“The float is being made so all our leaders can ride togetherand show unity,” Rich said. “We think there’s a lot of unity and wewant the public to know there’s unity.”
Others in the parade will include Miss Mississippi 2004 JalinWood. Rich said Wood’s appearance was recently confirmed.
Also this year, Miss Merry Christmas will be joined by severalmaids. Rich said several runners-up in this year’s contest will bein the parade and ride in a separate car following Miss MerryChristmas Joy Powell.
Rich complimented the newly-formed Lawn Chair Society and itsplans to participate in the parade.
“They have big plans. They’ve got their routine worked up,” Richsaid.
Rich said anyone age 55 and older is invited to join the societyfor their parade venture.
The theme of the parade this year “Hope, Love and Joy.” Theparade will follow its normal route, beginning at the post officeon West Cherokee Street and ending on Monticello Street.