Storm brings power outage, bldg. damage
Published 6:00 am Friday, February 22, 2008
High winds and an overabundance of rain caused damage to aLincoln County school building and left the entire Industrial Parkwithout power for several hours Thursday night, officials said.
Entergy Customer Account Manager Kenny Goza said damage to asubstation caused an electrical outage for the industrial park,including McLane’s and Wal-Mart Distribution Center, area from 2:20until 6 a.m. Friday.
“Lightning struck inside one of our substations on Old WessonRoad and damaged three lightening arresters,” he said. “We had toreplace all three.”
Entergy crews worked throughout the night repairing otherscattered outages throughout Lincoln County. Goza said thoseappeared to be caused from lightening.
Elsewhere in the county, an unused building at Loyd StarAttendance Center was damaged when high winds and rain caused theceiling to collapse during the night, said Principal Wayne Rogersand Band Director Jeff Sorey. Both school officials said thebuilding had not been used in some time.
“I’ve been here for four years,” Rogers said. “And it hasn’tbeen used during that time.”
Sorey indicated the building may have been one of the originalLoyd Star School buildings. The damaged structure is located northof the junior high wing and just east of the gymnasium, Soreyindicated.
Sorey said some band equipment was stored in the building aswell as some other things. Since access to the building wasn’tpossible Friday morning, Sorey was unsure of how much damage wascaused to the stored items.
“We can’t get in there right now,” he said.
Rogers said the school was looking at the building for possiblerenovations.
“Basically, it was two old classrooms,” Rogers said. “We weregoing to use it for something.”
He wasn’t sure if the building’s damage would halt plans.
“We’ll have to wait and let the insurance look at it,” Rogerssaid.
The principal said no other damage was reported on campus exceptfor basic campus flooding that happens when 5 inches of rainfall.
The rest of the county was fairly quiet, said Lincoln CountyCivil Defense Director Clifford Galey.
“Nobody reported any damage to our office,” he said. “A coupleof roads were flooded because of rain but that’s normal.”
When he spoke with the National Weather Service around 5 a.m.,Galey said 3 to 6 inches of rain had fallen in Lincoln County inless than 24 hours.
Lincoln County was under three different severe thunderstormwarnings overnight and remained under a watch until around 5:30a.m., he said. Galey said another round of thunderstorms isexpected on Tuesday or Wednesday.