New construction boosts overall property value
Published 5:00 am Thursday, July 5, 2007
Lincoln County’s assessed property value grew by nearly $2.5million in the past year and indicates strong growth, supervisorslearned Monday.
Tax Assessor/Collector Nancy Jordan said the 2007 land rollshave been completed and are now open to public scrutiny.
The county’s total assessed value of land and buildings is morethan $124 million, an increase of $2,496,000 over 2006 figures, shesaid.
“We’ve not had an increase in value,” Jordan said. “This is aresult of all-new construction. It’s just new houses and newconstruction. It means we’re growing.”
The growth in assessed property will help offset extra countyexpenses, such as rising fuel costs, she said.
The land and personal (business) rolls will be open through Julyfor public scrutiny in the county boardroom at the GovernmentComplex. The public may ask for a request a review of theirproperty until the end of the month.
In unrelated matters, County Surveyor Joe Byrd delivered asurvey plat of LinBrook Business Park to the board.
“It shows the location of the boundaries of the park and theroads that cross it,” he said. “The main thing this does is get theinformation the engineers needed to them to design theinfrastructure.”
The survey will be used by engineers to begin laying outinfrastructure designs, such as water and sewer lines and interiorroads, he said.
The board also granted a request by Lincoln County FireCoordinator Clifford Galey to create a “an assistant firecoordinator” position.
The position will be strictly volunteer and require noadditional funding, Galey said. However, it would authorize anappointee to attend meetings and sign some minor paperwork in hisabsence.
“My intentions are to go to the Firefighters Association andmake a recommendation to get someone that’s acceptable to them,” hesaid.
Galey declined to name the person he expects to name as hisassistant until the association members give their approval.