Election officials set for Tuesday primaries
Published 5:00 am Monday, May 4, 2009
With one day left on the campaign trail for municipal candidatesin the primaries, the City Clerk’s Office is reminding people thatit’s not only a good idea to vote, it’s a benefit.
“Not only is it the right thing to do, it’s an Americanprivilege you should exercise,” said Deputy City Clerk MarshaFairman.
The polls will be open at city polling places from 7 a.m. to 7p.m. Tuesday.
Contested races on Tuesday’s ballot include the mayoralDemocratic primary that pits Board of Supervisors President theRev. Jerry Wilson against Brookhaven police officer SudiePalomarez. The winner of the mayoral primary will face IndependentAlderman at large Les Bumgarner in the June 2 general election.
The alderman at large race will consist of the first citywideRepublican primary in memory between Karen Sullivan and TerryPappas. Democrats L. Ralph Smith and Ronnie Bass will square off inthe Democratic primary.
Wards One, Two and Three will be decided in the primary, asthere are no Republican candidates in any of the wards.
Ward One Alderman Dorsey Cameron, who is seeking his fourthterm, is challenged by Elisa Corley Jr.
Alderman Terry Bates, who is seeking his sixth term in Ward Two,will face fellow Democrats Vernastine Byrd, Darryl White and IdellaSanders in the primary.
In Ward Three Democratic incumbent Alderwoman Mary Wilson takeson Roosevelt Collins and Brian Moore.
Primary runoffs, where needed, will be held Tuesday, May 19.
Ward Four will see the first Republican primary faceoff in yearsbetween incumbent Alderwoman Shirley Estes and challenger AsemZeini. The winner of the GOP primary will face Independent DavidSmith in June.
While voters in Ward Five should report to the BrookhavenRecreation Department and Ward Six voters to Mamie MartinElementary School to vote in citywide elections, those two wardswill not see alderman race primaries this year.
Incumbent Ward Five Democratic Alderman D.W. Maxwell will be upagainst Republican Fletcher Grice in the general election on June2. In Ward Six, voters will choose between incumbent IndependentWard Six Alderman David Phillips and Democrat Robert Kenny inJune.