Sherry Lynn Burns Starnes
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Services for Sherry Lynn Burns Starnes, of Pearl, will be heldat 10 a.m. on Thursday, June 12, at Riverwood Family FuneralService Chapel in Brookhaven with burial in Cold Springs Church ofChrist Cemetery in Bogue Chitto.
Visitation is Wednesday from 5 until 9 p.m. at the funeralhome.
Mrs. Starnes, 43, died June 7, 2008, in Whitesburg, Tenn. Shewas born on Oct. 31, 1964, to Troy Burns and Phyllis TonyFaulkner.
Her greatest joy and accomplishment in life were her threechildren.
Preceding her in death were her grandparents, Lillian and TedBurns; her grandmother, Jean Faulkner; her grandfather, Carl Tony;and her brother; Carl Lynell Burns.
Survivors are her husband Russell Starnes, of Pearl; her son,Dustin Starnes, of Jackson; her daughters, Rusti Yates and husbandCameron, of Brandon, and Amanda Starnes, of Pearl; her father, TroyBurns, of Brandon; her mother, Phyllis Tony Faulkner and husbandTym, of Ridgeland; her grandmother, Louise Tony; hergreat-grandmother, Ora Hamilton; her grandparents, Harlan and AnneStarnes; her grandfather, Johnnye Denman; her brother, Joe BrockFaulkner and wife Ashley, of Brandon; her sisters, Toni Fox, ofMurfreesboro, Tenn., Felicia Williams, of Brandon, Paula Starnes,of Jackson, Tara Wilborne, of Morristown, Tenn.; her grandchild,Ryan Yates; and a host of family and friends.