LEADER wins 26 ad awards
Published 6:00 am Monday, January 28, 2002
The DAILY LEADER captured eight statewide and 18 division awardsfor advertising excellence at the Mississippi Press Association2001 Advertising Better Newspaper Contest Saturday.
“I am very proud of our staff,” said Editor and Publisher BillJacobs. “Twenty-six awards, with eight of those against folks likethe Clarion-Ledger, is quite an accomplishment.”
The DAILY LEADER competed against 15 other state dailies in thecompetition. More than 587 entries were received.
In All Dailies competition, the newspaper was awarded four firstplace, two second and two third place awards.
First place awards were given to Frances Peavey for Best GroceryAd (Color) and for Best Ad Promoting Newspaper Website, an awardshe shared with Jina King. The DAILY LEADER also received a thirdplace award in that category. Holly Perkins was awarded a firstplace for Best Non-Contest Advertising Promotion and Best AdPromoting Classified Advertising, an award she shared with JonathonAlford.
Second place awards against all dailies were given to theNewcomer Magazine as Best Niche Publication, and for Best PrintQuality, a category the newspaper has won twice and placed in forthe last four years.
The all daily third place awards were given for the websiteadvertising and to the Southwest Mississippi Shopping Bag for BestRegular Total Market Coverage Publication.
“We strive to put out the best newspaper possible for ourreaders and advertisers,” Jacobs said. “Recognition such as thisconfirms to us we are being successful in that job.”
The 18 division awards were in competition with all statedailies with a circulation under 9,000. Those awards included fourfirst, nine second, two third and three honorable mentions.
Three of the four first place awards were given to GlynnaBroxson. Broxson won the Best Small Space Ad single-handedly, buthad King’s help for the Best Institutional or Service Ad (Black andWhite) and Alford’s help for the Best Automobile Ad (One or morespot colors).
Focus 2001 captured the other first place award for Best Sectionor Edition.
Broxson also did well in second place awards. She receivedawards for Best Retail Ad (Black and White), Best Political Ad(Black and White) and Best Small Space Ad. She teamed with King forawards in Best Institutional Ad and Stasha Ezell for BestAutomobile Ad (Black and White). King earned another second placeaward by teaming with Annette Dunaway for Best Grocery Ad (Blackand White).
Holly Perkins won a second place award for Best Theme Page forher Kid’s Fun Page and a second for Best Regular Classified Page orSection.
Kid’s Design An Ad captured a second place award in the BestSection or Edition Dedicated to Retail Sales Promotion.
Broxson was awarded the two third place wins as well for herBest Automobile Ad (One or more spot colors) and for BestInstitutional Ad. Her second win in both those categories.
Annette Dunaway and Carol Teasley were awarded honorablementions for their work. Dunaway won with her Best Grocery Ad(Black and White) and Teasley for her Best Use of Process Color -Institutional.
Brides 2001 was also given an honorable mention in the BestSection or Edition category.