Hot temperatures prompt local burn ban
Published 8:14 pm Friday, June 3, 2011
It is no secret, it is hot. And no one, or anything, has quitefelt the effects of the heat and lack of recent rain more than theground.
The Lincoln County Board of Supervisors and the MississippiState Forestry Commission enacted a burn ban for Lincoln CountyThursday. It will continue until July 5.
“I know it puts a burden on some folks, but at this point it isa necessity to protect people’s property and lives,” said LincolnCounty Civil Defense Director Clifford Galey.
Those caught not following the burn ban could be guilty of amisdemeanor and may be fined between $100 and $500.
“It’s so dry right now if you throw a cigarette outside thewindow it’s going to start a fire,” said Galey.
Brookhaven Fire Department Chief Tony Weeks said the burn ban is”definitely needed.”
“It’s just too dry and windy,” said Weeks. “It seems like thewind hasn’t stopped blowing since February.”
From May until today, 26 grass fires have been reported in thecounty and there have been nine grass fires reported in thecity.
The dry land makes fires not only much more likely, but alsospread easier – making it more difficult for emergency managementagencies to control the situation.
“Once it starts up, it’s hard to catch up to and put out,” saidGaley.
Like every rule, however, there are exceptions.
Some farmers and construction companies who need to burn thelandscape to perform their jobs may do so, but only under theproper supervision.
“Whoever does it has to have a certified burn manager on site,”said Galey.
According to The Weather Channel’s website, there is a 30percent chance of isolated thunderstorms for Sunday, Monday andTuesday. However, if not enough water soaks the ground, the burnban could extend past the July 5 deadline.
“People need to be careful,” said Galey. “Maybe we’ll get enoughrain that they can burn their stuff soon, I hope.”