No new hiring for city schools
Published 6:00 am Thursday, April 4, 2002
Citing lack of confirmation on budget issues from statelegislators Wednesday, the Brookhaven School Board of Trustees didnot fill positions left vacant by resignations and retirement thisyear.
“We’ve got a complete freeze on all hiring right now. . . untilthe legislature decides completely the funding totals for publiceducation,” said Superintendent Dr. Sam Bounds.
Bounds said board members recessed last month’s meeting untilWednesday night in hopes of having a better picture of next year’sbudget for the district.
According to state law, contracts must be renewed by April 15.During last night’s meeting, the board only extended contracts fordistrict employees already on the pay roll, a move similar to onemade by Lincoln County School Board members earlier this week.
“We had several that the board decided not to extend theircontract for next year at this time,” said Bounds.
One of the contracts not renewed was for Andrew Hickman,athletic director and head football coach.
Bounds could not comment on the board’s decision other than tosay there were various reasons.
He stood by the board’s decisions and said he believed they”always tried to do what’s best for the district and the kids.”
Another matter discussed at the meeting was the adoption of anew school calendar, which did not have any major changes.
The next scheduled meeting is set for 6 p.m., April 23 at thedistrict’s central office.