Former mayor named parade grand marshal
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Former Mayor Doug Sullivan will lead the Brookhaven ChristmasParade as grand marshal when it rolls through downtown on Nov. 30,said Chairwoman Rita Rich.
Rich cited Sullivan’s service as an educator, coach, businessmanand politician in naming Sullivan grand marshal. She also mentionedhis work with the Kiwanis Club, including helping found theBrookhaven breakfast club, and his many roles with First UnitedMethodist Church.
“He’s very active,” said Rich, adding that Sullivan is a goodrole model for young businessmen and educators.
Sullivan, who was mayor from 1993-1997, now serves as Jacksonoffice manager for U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran.
In that role, Sullivan said he enjoys seeing and visiting withpeople. He hopes to see many during the parade.
“I’m very honored to be grand marshal,” Sullivan said. “I’mreally looking forward to it.”
As for the parade, Rich said organizers are busy lining upevents and activities.
Officials also hope to have new decorations in place for thisyear’s event.
“That’s the plan,” said Mayor Bob Massengill.
Earlier this year, aldermen budgeted $18,000 to purchase newdecorations for downtown and the parade.
Rich was thankful for the mayor’s and board’s willingness topursue the new decorations. With continued strong sales taxreturns, she was hopeful more decorations could be added in thefuture.
“I appreciate the board recognizing that as a need for our cityand county,” Rich said.
For now, Rich was looking forward to having the new decorationsin place and hoping for a good parade turnout.
“It should look good downtown,” Rich said.