Friends group to help meet library’s needs
Published 5:50 pm Friday, January 6, 2012
Brookhaven resident Pam Womack is headingup a new organization to aid the citizens’ awareness of theirregional library.
Womack, who returned to Brookhaven from Chattanooga three years agowith her husband, began Friends of Lincoln County Public Library inorder to enhance and promote the services of the library.
The group will host summer reading and educational events focusedon literacy and library usage. Some of the things they will promoteare both local and famous Mississippi art, often displayed at thelibrary
“There are so many things you don’t even know are there,” saidWomack.
Friends of the Library will alsohelp to raise money for basic needs like books and equipment.
“If the library needs a new computer, that’s what the Friends arefor,” said Womack.
She displayed great enthusiasm for the upcoming project, and askedthat all available book lovers and supporters of the library makean appearance on the opening meeting to be held Tuesday at 2 the library.
The Friends’ executive committee has been meeting and working hardfor the last few months to prepare for the kick-start. Womack isexcited that things are finally beginning to come together for theorganization.
There will be minimalcosts for membership: youth under 18 only have to pay $3, whileindividual adults pay $10, small families $20, and businesses $50.Friends of the Library will be guided entirely by volunteers, andhas already established a non-profit status on a state level.
Its members will help the area using their time and talents.
“This is really helping the whole community in reading and usingthe library,” said Womack. “Any small thing can turn into a bigthing and make a difference. A child can really learn to love toread.”
The Lincoln-Lawrence-Franklin Regional Library’s director, HenryLedet, has been very helpful encouraging, giving space for Friendsof the Library to work on opening day, said Womack. Womackencouraged everyone to come, pick up a brochure and learn what theycan do to help the library.
“We’re really looking forward to many years of community service,”she said.
The Friends of the Library is part of a larger, nationalorganization. It falls under the parent organization, MississippiFriends of the Library.
And as a non-profit organization, all future membership donationswill be tax deductible.
More information is available on the library’s website, and Womackcan be reached at 601-320-4304 for questions and informationregarding events, membership, and volunteer work. The library canbe reached at 601-833-3369.