Jail escapee captured at mom’s home

Published 5:00 am Monday, June 22, 2009

A man who escaped Lincoln County Jail earlier this month is backin custody after authorities received a tip that he was hiding inBrookhaven, Lincoln County Sheriff Steve Rushing said.

Kenny Ray Dunn, 18, of 229 Avalon St., was apprehended Sunday byofficials from the sheriff’s department and Brookhaven PoliceDepartment, Rushing said. Dunn was hiding at his mother’s housewhen he was arrested around 3 p.m.

“We had information that he was at that location or had justgotten to that location on Avalon Street,” Rushing said.”Brookhaven Police Department helped our guys catch him hiding inthe residence.”

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Dunn, who escaped from Lincoln County Jail in the evening ofJune 3, had been running from the law both in Brookhaven and inFranklin County, where he had family. He was staying just a stepahead of officials, who Rushing said were working around the clockto try to catch him.

“He was just hiding in different places here and in FranklinCounty,” he said. “He was just kind of back and forth between thoseareas.”

Rushing said Dunn had friends and cohorts who were helping himhide from the authorities, and charges of aiding and harboring afugitive could be pressed if evidence points to guilty parties.

In addition to the armed robbery and aggravated assault chargesfacing him, Dunn is now looking at a charge of escape from acorrectional facility, which adds five years to serve.

Rushing said the incidents surrounding Dunn’s escape have beeninvestigated and dealt with in recent weeks. Rushing said he wasable to make a break for it by taking advantage of a visitationsituation.

“Measures have been taken to correct the way he was able toescape,” Rushing said. “The method of entry into the facility hasbeen changed and more safeguards have been put into place to makesure nothing like this happens again.”