Adequate school funding essential
Published 6:00 am Thursday, January 20, 2005
Dear Editor,
We are writing this letter to express our support for theLincoln County School District and all public schools in the stateof Mississippi.
We are doing so in an effort to convey to Gov. Haley Barbour andour legislators how very important it is to us to have theMississippi Adequate Education Program (MAEP) fully funded. TheMAEP is a program that ensures public schools direct money to allclassrooms for instructional use. Fully funding MAEP will providefunds that will make a real difference in student achievement -teacher quality, class size, up-to-date textbooks and materials andtechnology to help students meet higher academic standards.
The students in our public schools will be tomorrow’s communityleaders. It is our responsibility as caring parents and concernedcitizens to do everything we can to ensure our children receive thequality education fully funding the Mississippi Adequate EducationProgram will provide.
Please get involved with our school district’s efforts tocontact parents, community and business leaders. Contact yourlegislators and governor to express your concern regarding thecritical issue our educational system is facing.
Petitions have been circulating throughout Brookhaven and inyour community. We thank those of you who showed your support withyour signatures. However, there is still work to be done. Remember,Lincoln County’s investment is Mississippi’s future.
Sherry Cain,
Loyd Star PTA
Misty Martinez,
West Lincoln PTA
Becky Flowers,
Bogue Chitto PTA
Angie Tate,
Enterprise PTA