‘Golden Deeds’ nominees sought
Published 6:00 am Monday, January 6, 2003
The deadline is approaching for individuals looking to nominateoutstanding volunteers in the community for the annual BrookhavenExchange Club Golden Deeds Award.
The deadline for turning in the letters of nomination is 5 p.m.Friday. Letters telling reasons a person or persons should berecognized for their efforts should be sent to Brookhaven ExchangeClub, P.O., Box 486, Brookhaven, MS 39602.
“This award is the Brookhaven Exchange Club’s way of pointingout someone who helps others through service,” said member RickyLagrone. “We have some individuals in the community who go beyondthe call of duty to help others.”
The civic organization has recognized individuals and coupleswith the Golden Deeds Award every year since 1952.
The most recent winners include Eunice Brabham for donating akidney in 2001, and Thomas and Willa Moak for their volunteerefforts in 2000.
Lagrone pointed out that the award recognizes a variety of gooddeeds in the community, from people visiting the elderly todonating items to the needy.
“Rev. Wiley Reed used to plant a field of corn, then he wouldcarry the corn to other people,” said Lagrone.
The nominations for the prestigious award will be reviewed by acommittee. The finalist will be honored at the club’s anniversarybanquet on Jan. 17, at the Thames Center in Wesson.
The recipient’s name will be permanently added to the BrookhavenExchange Club’s Book of Golden Deeds, which contains the names ofall the previous winners.