Boy diagnosed with cancer helps BARL

Published 10:50 am Thursday, May 16, 2024

BROOKHAVEN — The one year anniversary of a young Loyd Star boy being diagnosed with leukemia is approaching. Ledger Smith, the four year old boy, and his family is using the anniversary to make a positive difference and stopped by Brookhaven Animal Rescue League to drop off donations Wednesday afternoon. 

Caitlin Smith, Ledger’s mother, said they wanted to do three positive things under a campaign called LoveFromLedger. Ledger loves animals and helping the Brookhaven Animal Rescue League was a natural fit. 

Community members and Petsense donated food, toys and treats to the Brookhaven Animal Rescue League. Smith and his family brought a truck load of goodies and visited the shelter on 501 North Park Drive in Brookhaven. 

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Ledger seemed to be in good spirits as he pet puppies and said hello to a small orange kitten. The family toured the facilities and loved on the animals. 

LoveFromLedger’s next mission is to collect band-aids for the Cancer Clinic’s room where lumbar punctures and bone marrow biopsies happen. Ledger’s family created a Band Aid Drive Amazon Gift List to collect donations or you can send money over PayPal to for the family to purchase bandaids. 

He is the son of Caitlin Smith and Reid Smith.