Some things just don’t make sense

Published 2:58 pm Saturday, August 12, 2023

Hi, all. Just a thought to help start your weekend.

The economy is strange. Gasoline prices are increasing yet again. Groceries are entirely too expensive. It makes no sense.

A car can easily cost more than a simple house ought to. It makes no sense.

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There are “help wanted” signs up all over town. Businesses are shutting their doors forever. No one wants to get off the couch and go to work. It makes no sense.

Diseases are rampant. Ulcers, high blood pressure, and anxiety are through the roof. It makes no sense.

People all around us — people we know and love — are trying to do life without a relationship with Jesus. It makes no sense!

My picture for you this week is in that category as well. Just down the hill from our church building, on the road where my wife grew up, there in the edge of the woods was this shopping buggy. The nearest store with any similar cart is a good 20 miles away. No stores at all within at least six miles. Not anyone’s back yard. Just in the edge of the woods. Who dropped it off there? And why there? It makes no sense!

Life is difficult some days. And yet God’s love, mercy, and grace are abundant. Friends and family may abandon you, but God never leaves or forsakes His children. It makes no sense.

He sent His Son to die a most cruel death on an old rugged cross so we wouldn’t have to go to hell. He loves us when we are unlovable. He knows your name even when no one else seems to care. His patience with us is unmatched. His love is higher than the highest, greater than the greatest, and most of all, His salvation is offered to us who could never earn it. It makes no sense.

The greatest thing about that is this — it doesn’t have to make sense. All we need to do is trust the One Who knows what He is doing! It all makes perfect sense to Him. One day, soon and very soon, we will understand it in the sweet by and by. I pray that makes sense to you.

Just a thought. ’Til later.

Brad Campbell can be reached at