Rash of auto burglaries hits Lincoln County
Published 8:33 pm Wednesday, September 13, 2017
A rash of car burglaries this month has prompted Lincoln County Sheriff Steve Rushing to issue a reminder: Drivers should lock their doors.
He said several cars have been broken into over the past three weeks and items have been stolen. All of the cars were reportedly unlocked.
“They’re going through looking for unlocked cars,” Rushing said. “None have broken windows.”
Several of the vehicles that were burglarized were on Plez Drive, Pleasant Grove Drive and East Lincoln Road, all south of Hwy. 84.
He also received a report of at least one auto burglary on Sagewood Lane about 20 miles northwest of that area, on the other side of Brookhaven and west of I-55.
He said it’s hard to say if it’s the same person or people who is involved in all of the burglaries.
He said the burglaries have been scattered over a few weeks. Some of the victims haven’t discovered items were missing or that their belongings had been moved for a few days, he said.
At least one of the burglaries involved handguns, he said.
He is encouraging drivers to lock their vehicles’ doors to deter criminals.
“They’re just hitting cars that are unlocked so far,” he said.
Anyone with information about a crime is asked to call Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office at 601-833-5251 or CrimeStoppers at 601-823-0150. Tips leading to an arrest may be eligible for a cash reward up to $1,000.