New soccer season begins soon
Published 9:53 am Wednesday, July 29, 2015
It’s time to dust off the shin guards — applications for the Special Needs Soccer league are being accepted until Aug. 13.
Kail Garrett, coordinator and coach of the league, said it was created to give those children who cannot participate in youth soccer an opportunity to get out and have fun.
“I want children to get out and not just do something physical, but also social,” she said.
Some may take a little more attention than others, but Garrett said she loves when a child finally understands the game. She said there was one girl who would not kick; she would only throw.
“When she kicked it for the first time, the light bulb went off; this is how you play soccer,” she said.
Soccer allows both boys and girls to play together and is not as physical as other sports, such as football. She said the Brookhaven Recreation Department offers a special-needs league for T-ball. The ages of the children are 4 to 12.
“I hate to tell any kid they can’t play,” she said, but cited safety as a concern as they get older and bigger.
The joy of the children as they get to practice soccer drills and kick the ball around is evident for anyone visiting the FEMA Building on a Monday evening. The laughter and shouts of joy echo through the concrete room.
All games are played on Mondays at 6 p.m., beginning Sept. 14. The cost is $40 for an eight-week season. Shin guards are required.
Forms may be picked up at the Brookhaven Recreation Department Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For more information please contact Kail Garrett at 601-835-5076.