County board hears busy agenda
Published 6:00 pm Wednesday, September 7, 2011
The Lincoln County Board of Supervisors heard a number ofmatters Tuesday morning following the long Labor Day weekend.
First on the agenda was an annual report from the Lincoln CountyPublic Library.
Helen Lynch, chairperson of the library’s board, said the libraryis currently enjoying an average of 260 people per day. She alsoreported a 12-month circulation of 103,000 items.
Throughout the regional system, which includes five libraries inLincoln, Lawrence and Franklin counties, the circulation is justunder 200,000, according to Library Director Henry Ledet.
Lynch said people engage in a variety of activities ranging fromthe children’s area to viewing the art gallery to sitting down andreading a book with a cup of coffee.
She thanked the board for their work on the added parking lot andrequested it move forward with paving to help with erosion as wellas on-street parking.
The board also acknowledged Cliff Brumfield, executive vicepresident of the Brookhaven-Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce, ashe presented Delphi’s letter of intent for ad valorem taxexemptions for $15 million for new equipment to be installed at theplant.
“This does not remove anything currently on tax rolls, and it willcreate a considerable amount of school taxes,” Brumfield said.”It’s just to keep the equipment from being taxed at full value,which if it was would create a hindrance to job and economicgrowth.”
Nancy Jordan, tax assessor and collector, approached the board witha request to hire in-house personnel to carry out appraisal dutiesfor personal property rolls.
The county had previously used John Lewis from Statewide Appraisal& Title Service Inc., a company out of Southaven.
“The time to start preparing for 2012 (appraisals) is now,” Jordansaid.
She said the person she recommended had the experience from workingin the tax office in addition to educational background.
Jordan said it would better serve the county to use an appraiserfrom the tax office so that if an issue came up, the waiting periodwould not be near as long as in comparison to using an officelocated elsewhere in the state.
She also requested that Leon Perry, current tax assessor, beapproved $3,000 for his residential appraisal license. Jordan saidit was the first time the board has been asked to help withacquiring the license.
Perry said he has been employed for about seven and a half years,and expressed that he did not need a raise. He was only requestinghelp with renewing the license, which has to be renewedyearly.
Perry said the state requires each county to have a licensedappraiser on board.
District One Supervisor the Rev. Jerry Wilson expressed concernover approving the matters, saying that it is tough economicallyfor everybody.
The board voted to table the two issues until the next boardmeeting, Sept. 19, to take them under advisement.
County Engineer Jeff Dungan updated the board on several roadprojects around the county. Among his reports, he said the cityapproved the use of $25,000 for the bridge projects on GreenviewTrail in the Lakewood subdivision.
He also reported that the date for opening bids on the countywideroad striping project will be Monday, Oct. 3, at 10 a.m.