Davis prevails in criterium
Published 6:00 pm Sunday, April 17, 2011
Mathew Davis made a Friday drive through storm-ravagedMississippi from his home in Shreveport, La. to the HomeseekersParadise. Late that afternoon, he encountered sunshine and idealracing conditions in the Bank of Brookhaven Downtown CriteriumFriday night as he made a successful title defense.
Davis, 33, an oil field engineer, rides for Team LaS’port. He led atight pack of bicycle racers across the finish line in the first offour Mississippi Gran Prix weekend events. At first glance, itappeared that 18-year-old Ben Gabardi had won the race by half awheel. However, race officials ruled that Gabardi had been lappedby the leaders on the backstretch of the course as he rode with aslower group.
“I’m glad to get this one out of the way,” said Davis. “Brian Toonereally battled with me for about 15 minutes.”
The 1-hour race over a 0.9-mile course featured around 45 laps and49 riders. There was a wreck on the far side of the course on thelast lap as the group of lead racers passed the pack.
“It was a fun race and a strong field,” said race runner-up PatrickAllison of Birmingham, Ala. “It’s hard work in thebreakaway.”
Allison, age 26, and third place finisher Brian Toone of TeamBirmingham Velo said they enjoyed the spectator-friendly race. “Itwas awesome being in this race.”
Toone, 34, is a computer technology instructor at SamfordUniversity in Birmingham.
The top three finishers had a full weekend ahead of them. There wasa 77-mile road race Saturday morning, starting at Heucks RetreatBaptist Church; and a time trial late yesterday afternoon atCalvary Baptist Church in Bogue Chitto. On Sunday morning, startingat 7 o’clock, a circuit race around Lake Lincoln State Parkconcluded the competition. Category 1-2-3 riders were expected tostart at 11:30 a.m. and make 5 laps on the 6-mile course.
Race director Richard Barker said a total of 219 riders signed upfor the weekend.
Toone labeled the criterium “an aggressive race.”
Recalling the final wreck, Toone said, “We lapped the field. Rightwhen we moved past them (slower riders) there was a wreck. We werelucky to miss it.”
Herring Gas made a strong showing in the criterium, led by teamcaptain 51-year-old Frank Moak of Brookhaven. Moak was 11 yearsolder than any of the top 10 finishers. He was the only localcriterium rider and finished sixth.
“It was a fast, strong field,” said Moak, breathing deeply in thecool night air. “Our Herring Gas team did well.”
Herring Gas teammates Bain Foote and Timothy Regan finished fourthand fifth respectively. Bryant Funston of Memphis was seventh.Gabardi, riding for the Greenville Spinners and Herring Gas, waseighth.
State representative Becky Currie was the official starter andbell-ringer for the event. Each preme lap was initiated by a bellas riders raced for a cash prize.
Foote led the first lap of the race and Toone led the next lap.Regan captured the first preme and it was worth $20. Davis, Tooneand Kenneth Bellau of Herring Gas won the other premes. Toone’s lapearned $50.
Road Race Results: Davis captured yesterdaymorning’s road race and Foote was runner-up.