Feathering a nest of a different kind
Published 10:41 pm Friday, January 7, 2011
Like most parents with children, Dennis and I have dreamed ofthe day when the kids would be all grown and moved out of the house- an empty nest, as some psychologists have coined.
We’ve spent years dreaming of traveling, time to ourselves andmore importantly, saving a little money since it will be just thetwo of us.
Not to be bragging, but we can now see the proverbial light atthe end of the tunnel. Our baby girl (and only girl) has onesemester left of nursing school and is engaged to be married inOctober.
Liana turns 21 this month, a milestone for parents and children.She’ll officially be an adult. It won’t be too much longer beforeshe’ll be a college graduate, have a career and a new husband.
A lot is going to happen for her in 2011. But I digress, back tomy original thought.
Dennis and I have actually been test-driving the empty nestmentality.
We have even taken off into the wild blue yonder on a fewweekends. No destination planned, just getting the heck out ofdodge to see some new scenery – just the two of us. We were evenbold enough to take a week of vacation by ourselves this past year- our first one alone with no kids. I highly recommend this.
We’ve also had the opportunity to spend several nights at homealone – just me and Dennis on the couch with the remote control.Life can be good at times.
I’ve heard a lot of families fall apart when the youngest childleaves the nest. The couple doesn’t know how to handle being alonetogether without their children there to buffer for them.
I don’t think Dennis and I will have that problem. We actuallylike each other.
As I signed my Christmas cards this past season, I felt a tingeof sadness. This year it won’t be Dennis, Tammie and Liana; it willbe just Dennis and Tammie. She’ll have a new last name and a newlife.
As I’ve thought about the empty nest, I’ve also thought aboutsome of the positive things to come.
No more reminders to Liana to get her books and study notes offof the dining room table and back to her room. No more reminders topick up her shoes from the living room floor. There won’t be anymore glaring looks, like the ones I give her when her little redcar is parked too far over in the garage and I can’t get mine inthere. No more texts and phone calls wanting to know what’s forlunch or supper.
On the occasional days she’s been gone, I’ve looked around thehouse thinking about how quiet everything is without herpresence.
The things I’m going to miss will be her books and study noteson the dining room table; her shoes laying on the floor in theliving room; her little red car parked in my parking space in thegarage; and those texts and phone calls wondering what’s toeat.
An empty nest is exciting, but it will be different from whatDennis and I have been practicing for the past 34 years.
I’m really not sure if you ever have an empty nest. Friends ofours have joked with us and said, “Yea, they leave home, but theyalways come back and they bring friends.” Dennis and I always smileand nod politely in agreement.
All of our boys have families of their own now. We enjoyvisiting and spending time with the grandchildren and we enjoy themvisiting us. And believe me when I say, our nest isn’t empty whenthey all get together.
Somehow I think we’re really going to enjoy our newfoundfreedom, but we’re also going to miss our full nest.
And how was your week?
Graphics and Systems Director Tammie Brewer can be reachedat The DAILY LEADER at (601) 833-6961 ext. 144, by e-mail attbrewer@dailyleader.com or you can write to her at P.O. Box 551,Brookhaven MS 39602.