Labor Day best spent seeking unity, harmony
Published 6:00 pm Sunday, September 5, 2010
As unemployment in this area sits around 10 percent, this LaborDay weekend brings additional focus to the importance of Americanworkers and their effect on the economy of our country. It is thebackbone of these workers that is the strength on which thiscountry has grown so strong over its 234-year history.
The foundation of our economy is built on the work ethic of ourcitizens. The strength of our communities has been built around thefactories and businesses in those communities who employ thosecitizens – a perfect economic circle where employees and employerswork together for the benefit of the community.
Unfortunately, as consumers search for cheaper prices, so do themanufacturers search for cheaper production costs to meet thatdemand.
The end result is the migration we have seen with factories movingto foreign lands in search of cheaper labor, resulting in jobslosses here at home. The concept of shopping at home and doingbusiness locally could not ring more clearly.
Looking around the Southwest Mississippi area, everyone has beenaffected by the recession as evidenced by the number of homes withfor sale signs adorning front yard and the businesses that havereduced their hours and inventories or closed their doors. Everyonehas been affected and no one has not felt the effects.
While the politicians will point their fingers to lay blame for oureconomic ills in hopes of scoring political points, others seem toseek a dividing wedge between everyone for their own personal gain,with the result being the confusion, anger and frustration we allfind ourselves in today.
This Labor Day weekend might be best spent forgetting our woes fora few hours, clearing our heads and reminding ourselves that thebetter times we have enjoyed in the past came from unity andharmony – not discourse and bickering.
And if that does not help, remember the November elections are justtwo months away!