Cherished times recalled as new phase begins
Published 8:54 pm Friday, June 4, 2010
Friends, teachers, parents and classmates, the time has come tosay “farewell.” We have reached the commencement of one phase ofour lives – the end of high school years…
During the past few years, we have eagerly anticipated thismoment. We were sure that it would be a moment of completehappiness, but now we also feel a touch of sadness, and a fear ofwhat is awaiting us in the future.
But one may wonder what there is to fear … Well in the past wehave had our teachers and parents to depend on and to guide us. Butafter this night, we shall choose the road that we shall follow andclear the pathway ourselves.
Now to you teachers and parents, we must say “Thank You.” Wecan’t pass from this school without thanking you from the depths ofour hearts for the privilege of beginning our lives on such a goodfoundation as you have provided.
Teachers, you have guided and directed us with the skill of aprofessional, just as in other schools. But you have also given ussomething extra. Here at Loyd Star, we have experienced a closenessand togetherness, which does not exist in other schools today. Isay this with pride for it is not everywhere one finds such adedicated staff. After all, teachers who teach the Christian wayand personally care for the students can’t be found in just anyschool. We have a great school where the instructors are guided,not only by books, but by their close bonds with the students andby their hearts.
And now, we thank you parents whose efforts have brought us heretonight. What father and mother doesn’t cherish this moment? Youhave sent us along the way from the time we shed tears to stay athome to the tears shed here tonight. We thank you parents for thelove, sacrifices, devotion and understanding that you have given usfor the headaches and heartaches we have given to you.
And now classmates, the remainder is to be said to you. Wedidn’t think that it was going to be so hard to say good-bye tothese years we’ve been together. These years of joking, laughingand living life to the fullest. Along the way we have gainedfriends and we have lost some friends. Classmates, remember onething – that none of this happiness and none of these opportunitieswould have been possible without God.
We have not thought enough about God in the past, but now as weleave this school and break up as a class, we will need Him morethan ever. For now we go out into the world. It may be a world ofsuccess or a world of failure. But I truly believe that if we putour trust in God, He will lead us into a world of success.
We must say the final good-bye to Loyd Star, to the manymemories, these walls, these hallways and these campus grounds. Butas we do, we shall never forget Loyd Star, and we shall neverforget this night. As Proverbs 3:5-6 says “Trust in the Lord withall your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all yourways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”
I would like to end tonight with this quote to my classmates:”If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it,you can become it.”
Thank you and may God bless and guide each of you. The Class of2010!
Carrie Moak is the daughter of Wayne and Shawana Moak.