Police search for clues in Friday night robbery
Published 5:57 pm Monday, May 24, 2010
Brookhaven police are following leads in the case of a Fridaynight armed robbery at the Handi-Mart No. 2 on Highway 51 North,Assistant Police Chief Nolan Jones said Monday.
Around 11 p.m. Friday, a black male wearing a mask entered thestore and displayed a weapon, Jones said.
“He took a cash drawer with an undetermined amount of cash,” Jonessaid.
The man was last seen escaping on foot, but police are not surewhether or not he had any accomplices in the incident.
“It’s unclear at this time how many people were involved, but onlyone entered the store,” he said.
Jones said authorities are still investigating the incident, andthat witnesses are being interviewed.
Still, he said, anyone who might know something about the robberyis encouraged to call the Brookhaven Police Department at601-833-2424 or Lincoln County Crimestoppers at 601-823-0150.