Olga Elizabeth Stancil Smith
Published 8:36 pm Monday, February 15, 2010
Olga Elizabeth Stancil Smith, known affectionately as “MissOlga,” died peacefully on Feb. 14, 2010. Last July 18, shecelebrated her 85th
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 18, 2010,at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church on Highway 84, west of Brookhaven.Burial will then follow in the church cemetery under the directionof Brookhaven Funeral Home. The Rev. Larry LeBlanc, of FirstBaptist Church, Summit, and the Rev. Linda A. Smith, of CalvaryBaptist Church, Jackson, will minister.
Mrs. Smith was a longtime member of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church,by faith a Christian, and chairman of the Flower Committee therefor more than 20 years.
Preceding her in death were all her eight siblings and her lovinghusband, “Mr. Marshall” Smith. Mr. Smith was by career, a 40-yearemployee of Gulf Oil Corporation, and by vocation, a farmer. It wascommonly said that wherever you saw Mr. Marshall, you saw Miss Olgaby his side. Together as a couple, they grew vegetables, flowersand patented roses for family, friends and fellow church members.They loved to speak of the money that they could save God’s churchby their combined hard work and God-given talents.
In 1956, Mr. Marshall, Miss Olga, and their daughter, Jan, leftLincoln County for Jackson in search of employment. In their SouthJackson neighborhood, Miss Olga was well respected there as a goodfriend, neighbor and loyal P.T.A. member. Also, she helped out withlocal charities. To her family she was known as a devoted wife,”Mother” and “MaMa.” Mrs. Smith was an excellent cook, self-taughtnutritionist and spotless housekeeper. During early years ofmarriage, she was a seamstress at Stahl-Urban ManufacturingCompany. It was there she had met her husband as a returning WorldWar II soldier.
During her last earthly days, Mrs. Smith had brief stays at localnursing facilities, but was blessed to have been physically wellenough to spend most of her last 10 years at home with her daughterand closest family, special friends, her two granddaughters, andgreat-granddaughter.
Mrs. Smith is survived by her daughter Jan Elizabeth Smith Busby,of Arlington; granddaughters, Julie Elizabeth Busby Lawson, JillElise Busby; Julie’s husband, Les Lawson; and their daughter,Caroline, all of the Atlanta, Ga., area.
Visitation with Mr. Marshall and Miss Olga’s family will be from 5until 8 p.m., on Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2010, at the Natchez Drivelocation of Brookhaven Funeral Home, and on Thursday at 1 p.m.until the time of the service. The family requests minimal flowersfrom only closest family and friends, but everyone’s earnestprayers at this time. In her honor, Miss Olga would haveappreciated any donations to her favorite charity, BrookhavenAnimal Rescue League (BARL).
As a testimony to our faith, the family invites you to join them inthe spirit of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, as we celebratethe Valentine’s Day reunion of Miss Olga and Mr. Marshall with ourGod, the Heavenly Father.