Man charged with felony child abuse
Published 6:00 am Monday, December 29, 2008
A Wesson man is in jail on felony child abuse charges after aninvestigation that led Lincoln County Sheriff’s Departmentinvestigators to his doorstep last week.
Major Dustin Bairfield said Bruce Arnold Jenkins, 28, of 2369Sunset Road, Wesson, was arrested last Tuesday for felony childabuse and neglect pertaining to injuries sustained by his infantson, who was 2 months old at the time of the injuries.
“The Department of Human Services referred the case to theSheriff’s Office to be looked at concerning a small child withserious bodily harm or trauma,” said Bairfield.
Bairfield said the investigation began around July of this yearwhen the child was taken to the King’s Daughters Medical Centeremergency room with trauma and had to be transported to theUniversity of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson for furthertreatment.
“It was at that time the doctors alerted human services that thechild had battered child syndrome,” he said. “That’s where thiscase began.”
Medical officials generally describe battered child syndrome asinjuries sustained by a child as a result of physical abuse,usually inflicted by an adult caregiver.
The investigation is still ongoing, Bairfield said, andwitnesses are still being interviewed. He said there is apossibility new charges could be added.
Jenkins is currently being held in the Lincoln County Jail on$500,00 cash bond.