Two candidates running to be Ward 6 alderman

Published 5:00 am Monday, May 19, 2008

In what will be Brookhaven’s first contest since last year’sannexation, two candidates have signed up in a special election forWard Six alderman.

Local businessman David Phillips and Robert Kenny, a member ofthe Brookhaven Parks Commission, are vying to succeed Ward SixAlderman John E. “Buddy” Allen, who stepped down in April due tohealth concerns. The winner of the June 2 special election willserve the remainder of the term through next June.

An important aspect of the upcoming contest is annexation’simpact on the ward. The municipal expansion has adjusted somepeople into the city ward from the county or other wards, while afew people have been moved to another ward.

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Most notably, previous Ward Five residents who live between theeast-west railroad tracks and Enterprise Street on the north andUnion Church Road on the south are now part of Ward Six andtherefore eligible to vote on June 2. Also, county citizens wholived just outside the previous city limits between Highway 51 andBrignall Road are now city residents of Ward Six.

A small number of people living in a block bordered by NorthStreet Drive, Industrial Park Road, Center Street and thenorth-south rail line are no longer part of Ward Six. Thoseresidents are now in Ward One.

City Clerk Mike Jinks said a map is available in his office foranyone with questions about their ward residency and eligibility tovote. Jinks stressed that voters affected by the annexation andrelated ward line redrawing do not need to re-register to beeligible to vote.

Absentee voting is under way in the clerk’s office, or votersmay request an absentee ballot be sent to them in the mail. Jinks’office also will be open for absentee voting on Saturday, May 24,and Saturday, May 31, from 8 a.m. to noon.

As with any election, the outcome on June 2 is important for thecommunity’s future. Residents of the Ward Six – both those who havelived in the district for years and those new to the area – areencouraged to learn about the candidates and their goals for theward and the city.