Congressional hopeful makes stop in city

Published 6:00 am Monday, February 25, 2008

Gregg Harper, a Pearl Republican running for Mississippi’s ThirdCongressional District seat in the U.S. House of Representatives,visited Brookhaven Friday to spread his pro-military andanti-illegal immigration message.

Harper, who practices law in Pearl and is the city prosecutorfor Brandon and Richland, has views similar to the other eightcandidates in the contest for the seat currently held by Rep. ChipPickering, who is not seeking re-election. Harper said he favors ahard stance on illegal immigration and vows to support themilitary.

What sets Harper apart from his peers, he said, is politicalexperience and a devotion to family, which stems from his sonLivingston, an 18-year-old who is affected by a genetic abnormalitycalled Fragile X Syndrome.

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“That has profoundly affected our lives,” Harper said. “If I’mfortunate enough to be elected, I will be a strong advocate forfamilies raising children with special needs.”

Harper said the only way to give those families hope is to givesomething back, something he strives to accomplish at his small lawoffice in Pearl.

“I’ve hired special needs students from Pearl High School towork after school,” he said. “I do believe that, as a government,we should help those folks that really need to be helped and notthose that don’t.”

Harper also discussed the big issues affecting not just him andhis fellow candidates, but the entire nation. He said the first”red meat issue” to be dealt with is immigration.

“The first thing we have to do is secure the borders. Most folksare concerned about the border with Mexico, but I’m just asconcerned about our border with Canada,” Harper said. “Both bordersshare the threat of fundamental Islamic terrorists coming into ourcountry. If you want a glimpse of the future, look at England now.That’s where Canada may be in 10 years.”

Harper said that, from a national security standpoint, he ismuch more concerned about Islamic terrorists entering the countrythrough the border with Canada than the Mexican border, though hesaid both are a security issue.

“The death of Western civilization – it’s scary what hangs inthe balance,” Harper said. “Do we have the stomach to be in thefight?”

After the securing of the two borders, Harper said that beforenew immigration laws were passed, the existing ones must beenforced.

“I’m opposed to amnesty, in any form,” he said. “And I’m tiredof paying our tax dollars for benefits for illegals.”

Harper said his second issue was the support of the military andits mission, which is kind of a family rite for him. His latefather served as the tail gunner on a B-17 Flying Fortress in WorldWar II, and his brother retired from the Air Force after 30 yearsin the cockpit of a B-52 Stratofortress.

“The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are just a part of the overallwar against Islamic terrorists,” he said. “The surge in Iraq hasworked, but we have to invest in new equipment – we have pilotsflying planes that are older than their fathers.”

On monetary matters, Harper is in favor of preserving thecurrent system of Social Security for senior citizens who have paidin, but wants to adjust it for the younger generation.

“What’s wrong with letting young workers in their 20s, 30s and40s have a portion of their Social Security taxes go into apersonal retirement account that they actually have?” he asked.

Harper also said he was dedicated to changing the economicdevelopment situation currently experienced in SouthwestMississippi.

“I do believe that Southwest Mississippi has been left out ofsome opportunities,” he said. “I am fully committed to making thatchange – to improve work force training and working hard to bringnew industry and businesses into this area.”

Finally, Harper touted his experience in the political system,pointing out his volunteering efforts within his party.

“I have worked in the Republican Party my entire life, trying tohelp other folks get elected,” he said. “I have worked in thetrenches as a highly unpaid volunteer. The job of a U.S.congressman requires a servant’s heart. This is the only office Iwant to hold – I’ve never wanted to run for anything but this.”