Deputy coroner arrested on drug charges
Published 6:00 am Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Agents from the Southwest Mississippi Narcotics Unit apprehendeda Pike County deputy coroner on narcotics charges Monday evening,SMNU officials said Tuesday.
SMNU Commander Tim Vanderslice said Pike County Deputy CoronerRosemary Smith, 53, was arrested Monday night at her residence at1124 Harper Street in McComb following an undercover narcoticsbuy.
Smith has been charged with sale of fentanyl and sale of Valium,as well as possession with intent to sell both substances.Vanderslice said fentanyl, a painkiller, is a schedule II narcotic,and Valium is a schedule IV narcotic.
District Attorney Dee Bates said Smith’s bond has been set at$30,000.
“Obviously, she was treated just like every other individualcharged with similar crimes,” he said.
SMNU had past information on Smith, Vanderslice said, and set upan undercover buy at her home.
“We went in and made a buy, then went back and seized her moneyand some more controlled substances,” he said.
Vanderslice said the fentanyl patches were from a prescriptionin Smith’s name, but he was not aware of the origin of the Valium.He said it looks as though Smith acted alone.
“I’d say she was in this by herself,” he said. “She’s going tokeep stuff like that to herself because she’d be in a bind if thatgot out.”
The charge and fine for possession of schedule II drugs withintent is up to 30 years in prison and up to $1 million fine, whilethe charge and fine for schedule IV is up to 20 years in prison anda maximum fine of $250,000.