Food pantry assistance a ‘blessing’
Published 6:00 am Thursday, December 6, 2007
The DAILY LEADER and the Bank of Brookhaven have collaboratedagain this holiday season to help three local charities assist theneedy through the Holiday Food Pantry.
The drive is designed to collect monetary donations to help thecharities stock their food pantries.
Union Hall Baptist Church, one of the three supported charities,is stocking its food pantry for the upcoming rush of holidayseason. Union Hall Baptist Church has been involved in food pantrydrive since 2003.
Gwen Dyess, chairman of the food pantry at the church, said thedonations made through holiday effort are a “blessing.”
“When the current stock gets low we take that money and buy morefood,” Dyess said.
The church’s portion of the total donations will come at a muchneeded time. Dyess expects a “boom” of needs in December.
“In the colder months these people can’t get out and work,”Dyess said.
Dyess talked passionately about when those in need receive thevital sustenance.
“They are so thankful to receive it,” she said.
Dyess tearfully told stories of people becoming emotional whenthey received their basket of goods. She said one of the best partsof distributing food are the hugs she gets in return.
She talked about customizing the food for aspecific family.Dyess said if children are in the family, she will try to providesome kid-friendly food.
“Kids won’t always eat the green beans,” she said with alaugh.
Dyess also pointed out that the food pantry is more than justproviding food.
“We try to get them to come to church. It’s a very goodministry,” she said.
Dyess humbly summed up Union Hall Baptist Church’s food pantryministry by saying, “It’s a blessing to help people in need.”
Individuals and businesses that donate will be recognized dailyin The DAILY LEADER. Donations may be made in memory or in honor ofa loved one, and anonymous donations are welcome.
Checks may be made out to the Holiday Food Pantry and can betaken to The DAILY LEADER, at 128 North Railroad Ave., or the Bankof Brookhaven, at 411 Brookway Blvd.
Monday, Dec. 17 is the deadline to make a donation. After theDec. 17 deadline the money gathered will go to the Bank ofBrookhaven, where it will be counted and distributed equally amongUnion Hall Baptist Church, St. Francis of Assisi/St. Vincent DePauland Brookhaven Outreach Ministry.