Walkin’ with mayor event set for Thursday

Published 5:00 am Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Brookhaven’s boots are made for walking, or at least KDMC andBlue Cross/ Blue Shield hope so.

The city will hold its inaugural “Let’s Go Walkin’ Mississippi”event Thursday from 10-11 a.m. at City Park on the new walkingtrail. Mayor Bob Massengill will be hosting the event.

Massengill said the event is important to the community, ashealth should be a top priority.

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“I know we all lead busy lives, but it is so very important forus to take the time or make the time to exercise,” he said.”Walking is an exercise that most of us can do, and we’ve got agreat new walking trail that soon will be lighted.”

KDMC Director of Marketing JoAnna Sproles said the hospital ishappy to promote health in the community in any way it can, as itdid with the Project Fit equipment hospital officials helped getinstalled at local schools.

“The reason we got involved with the walk and are helpingpromote it and encouraging people to attend it plays back to ourefforts with the Project Fit equipment at the schools,” she said.”The hospital is just trying to make sure that not only do weprovide health care, but wellness, services and healtheducation.

“Our involvement with the schools was an example of ourcommitment to that, and community walks like this one give us anopportunity to have a presence in the community and to encouragepeople to lead a healthy lifestyle,” she continued.

Sproles said “Southern Exposure,” the radio show she hosts onSupertalk Mississippi, will be on hand from 9-10 for pre-eventcoverage. The hosts will be talking to many of the attendees of theevent.

She also pointed to how Massengill has had a great hand inspurring the construction of the walking trail, and that hisleading the first organized walk there was appropriate.

“We are very excited to have Mayor Massengill kick this off notonly from a health standpoint, but also he was very supportive andinvolved in the construction of that walking trail in conjunctionwith the recreation department,” she said. “He’s not doing it atanother park, he’s doing it at the place he had something to dowith putting it together. It’s full circle to see him leading agroup.”

She said Massengill’s participation sets a great example forother members of the community.

“We’re excited he’ll lead a walk on a new area in town wherepeople can work on their long-term fitness level through somethingas easy as walking,” she said.

Massengill said he is happy to host the event, but that he wantscredit given where it is due for the walking trail’s conception andcompletion.

“Terry Reid has been very instrumental, and he and theRecreation Department deserve the credit for pursuing this grantand for seeing this project to completion,” he said. “We’ll soonhave exercise stations at this trail, and we encourage people tocome out all during the year to use this facility.

“We hope they’ll be there tomorrow for the walk,” he said. “Butif not, we hope they’ll take advantage of this excellent facilityat some other time.”