Runoffs to decide races
Published 5:00 am Thursday, August 9, 2007
MEADVILLE – With both candidates each getting 364 votes,Tuesday’s Franklin County District One supervisor’s race was asclose as possible and the contest will now be decided in a runoff,election officials said.
Following vote-counting Tuesday, incumbent Woodrow Wilson held aone-vote lead over Elber “Bo” Dixon Sr., 364-363. However, Dixonpicked up a vote in absentee ballot counting Wednesday to tie therace.
Wilson and Dixon will be in the runoff on Aug. 28.
Several other county races are also headed for runoffs.
W.P. “Sonny” Dickey Jr. will face Jill Jordan Gilbert in therunoff for the right to succeed longtime Chancery Clerk JimmyJones, who is retiring. Dickey led the four-candidate field with1,372 votes while Gilbert garnered 1,114 to qualify for therunoff.
In Constable District One, inclumbent Charles Brown will face achallenge from Elbert D. Dixon. The Constable District Two racewill feature David Blackwell against Michael Gilbert for the rightto follow incumbent Joe Spring, who retired.